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Curious on what you call proper verification.

Zaboomafoo3's picture

Ok, say CP (mom or dad whichever) sends you verification for expenses for the child. Now, say that in your court order says that this verification is supposed to be a BILL and they have 30 days to get it to you or wave reimbursement.

Should you accept a PHOTO of a "payment receipt" with no bill or explanation of this?
Would you pay it even after you have told the other person several times what "proper verification" is?
Would you continue to explain this to a person who has worked in the field of billing for 10 years that this is not acceptable??

I am just curious as to what others would do. I personally wouldn't accept or pay ANYTHING that is a camera phone photo as "verification" because there is no paper copies and you don't know if that was edited or photoshoped. Plus, if it is to be a bill and you are showing me a payment receipt that doesn't tell me jack except you made a payment to an office for could have been from last year for all I know.


Zaboomafoo3's picture

Thanks! Our lawyer (who is a waste of money because I end up doing all the work for DH cause his lawyer is shotty) said DH is not responsible for any medical that he doesn't have a bill for. So we are AGAIN sending BM a "good faith" letter and paying only what we have that was a scanned in copy from a counseling center. She has sent over $800 in medical "payment receipts but has not sent ANY bills. We have emails where she says " some medical is getting billed and I will send them to you when I get them" but has yet to send any. Makes me feel better that I am not the only person who wouldn't pay this crap. I mean I am sure she knows she can't give patients that as "proof" so why do it to someone you are expecting payment from.

Zaboomafoo3's picture

The co says they have to "the party who incurse a health care expense shall provide proper verification of the amount to the party within 30 days of receipt of bill or else waive any right to reimbursement" and the other party has 30 days to a. Reimburse b. Pay healthcare providers directly or c. Make payment arrangements. Like I said BM in our case gives us the little receipt that you get when you pay your copay but with several dates some of which the providers are not opened on but she has a "date" for them as if SS was seen there on such date. With no bill or EOB and her not providing any form of insurance proof we have no idea what these payments were for.

WalkOnBy's picture

If these are medical bills, I would go a step further and ask for a copy of the EOB. There is NO WAY I would pay anything that wasn't dated, marked as paid AND has an explanation of the service provided.

Zaboomafoo3's picture

Our problem is BM is an OFFICE MANAGER. She has the ability to print off any medical etc for SS and what she is sending is just "patient payment receipts" so it sometimes has multiple dates and times. For example: say SS goes to a gastrologist. Well when BM pays her copay (or whatever) she also pays bills for other locations (ie the Dr, urgent care or whatever) all at one time. So there are 4 dates of service all being paid at the Gastrologist office. Therefore this receipt looks like SS went to the specialist 4 times...the dates are on a Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and then the following Thursday. We know the gastro is NOT opened on a Sunday so where was this charge for?? NO BILL means we have no idea what these charges are for. She refuses to let DH know ANYTHING ahead of time (even though the CO says she has to and we have asked her to DISCUSS things as per the CO several times), refuses to let DH put SS on his insurance as well since it would be cheaper on all parties, and she refuses to give us SS's social for life insurance as well. All things that would benefit SS. She put SS in stuff at school (special ed) and has him in counseling without any further information or disclosure to DH. She is one of those that thinks visitation is JUST THAT. However, they have JOINT CUSTODY. DH is to be talked to about things that are involving SS and she refuses to do that in "substantial questioning" as per the CO.

Kicker: one part of the CO gives DH "ultimate decision making authority" on SS over religious, social, medical, and school and then another part gives her "final decision making authority" over medical and school. So it is VERY confusing. But with her NOT discussing anything at all DH has no authority so she is withholding information just so DH can't have parental rights. Which we will get her on very soon I am sure. Cause she will be pissed that she is not getting $500+ dollars in medical paid back.

Maxwell09's picture

Stop paying and when she asks about it then tell her 1. You were not informed beforehand of these expenses; they were not discussed or mutually agreed upon and 2. The "receipt" she's been sending is not proof of when, what, where or why these procedures are being done. Since she is fully capable of giving you a correct copy then she should be able to get right to it before the thirty days.

She'll keep doing whatever she wants until you make her stop and by make her I mean stop playing her game.

Zaboomafoo3's picture

Lol well we already sent her one letter in JUNE telling her to go by the CO. And our lawyer said to send another and that "payment receipts" are not bills therefore we are not responsible for any of these. Plus she emails them but we told her "go by the CO" which states clear as day "each party shall inform the other of those mailing address for the purpose of mailing bills or other information"

WalkOnBy's picture

That's DH's amount too. Braces are not part of that though and Medusa flipped her shit when her share was added on to her arrears.
