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OH "LET" me sleep in!!

youngstepmumtobe's picture

Really OH? You LET me sleep in on my birthday?!

Sorry but this really cracked me up when he said that. He has a 2yr old who always wakes up around 7. He did yesterday (my birthday) and OH got up with him and I stayed in bed until 9 - a massive lie in for me as I usually leave for work at half 6. Had another day off today and again OH got up with the little lad.

We had an argument this evening and OH comes out with "well I LET you stay in bed and looked after him whilst you just sat on your arse". oh dear, I completely cracked up and laughed in his face. I mean come on, really OH? You "let" me sleep in? Remind me, who's child is this?

Maybe I'm being harsh but I just really had to get that out there. Perhaps better to laugh online as OH doesn't approve lol


Lalena75's picture

SO once and only once "told" me to get up with his kids, I then told him I didn't screw BM therefore I get to sleep, I did my time when mine were little, they belong to you. I've not once been asked to get up for them since if I'm already up no problem I'll get them breakfast (heck my youngest is usually the first up and has them fed before we know they are up yeah he's a great kid)
I guess finding ST early before he moved in has been a blessing as I found out about boundries and thought about them before they even happened so it's mostly been status quo from day 1.

youngstepmumtobe's picture

Good to hear I'm not the only one who finds these sorts of comments funny. He's still p*ssed I laughed in his face but oh well.

Lalena - glad your SO hasn't asked you since! No doubt mine will :/

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Oh i would have laughed AND made sure I commented the way you did too. LET hahahahaha