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Disengaging - Day 1

young13's picture

After researching about disengaging I decided to give it a try. I'm always the one doing everything from discipline, to making the kids brush their teeth, making sure homework's done, plus all the reg house hold duties (cooking, cleaning, laundry, well y'all know). I'll give credit where it's due, SO does do the morning routine with the skids 5y/o and 7y/o. I do the morning routine with our 22mo old.

So...after blogging on here today and received some very helpful advice, I decided that it was time for me to disengage. I'm stressed to the max all the time trying to get everything done. I miss out with the little time I get to spend with my baby (full time working mom here) and spend it doing homework with the skids and housework.

So, when I got off of work today, after cooking dinner, I sat down with SD5 to do homework. Well of course, my bio kid was trying to get all of my attention, so I'm wrestling sd, who btw has a MAJOR attitude problem, and my 22mo old, who's starving for my attention after not seeing me all day. SO is nowhere to be found. So I go looking and find him working on a random project. I asked him for help, to which he responded, he was busy....and that's when I made the decision...

I said okay...walked out of the room and told sd5 to put her homework away and she and her daddy would do it later ...and after SO finished his project, they did. (It took a lot out of him, she can be DIFFICULT)

SS7 is the sweetheart, he's so kind and loving. He and MIL did his homework earlier, he just has to read a book for the reading chart they have at his school. Well after the incident with SD5, I told SO that he needed to read a book with SS7. Instead of reading a book, they turned on a video game and started playing. After reminding them numerous times, they continued on the game.

This made me think of what I'd been advised on this site....YOU CAN'T CARE MORE THAN THE PARENTS.

I thought this would be harder than it has been this far, but it's actually VERY empowering.


AmIWicked's picture

You can't care more than the parents.

This is so true...

I think it was on this site someone said, "his 3yr old was playing with a lighter on the floor between him and the tv and he didn't see it!"
Someone said in response, 'that's because he's never had to...'
Your SO will be lazy with caring for his kids if you do everything for him. He sees his kids needs being met and being taken care of so there's no need for him to step up and take care of his kids himself.