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youbetheparent's picture

DH lost his job Friday. He was working as an independent contractor, and they decided to go in a different direction with the project he was assigned to. Whatever that means. No notice or anything.

We can not live on my income. DD will be here in 2 months, then I'm out of work for at least 6 weeks with no income. We just moved into a bigger place so we would have room for her.

I am REALLY freaking out, which is not good because my BP has been running high this whole pregnancy.

FML. Prayers Please.


WTH Happened's picture

Boy, I lived through similar last year. Please go and apply for food stamps, etc. today. Your DH probably will hate it but when he gets a new job, you won't need it anymore. You aren't taking advantage of the system (like some leaching BMs we have to deal with) but truly are in NEED.