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yesican's Blog


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I truly enjoy coming to this site, although I don't post alot. I come almost everyday and read, and just by reading what others go thru and how they deal with it,I get some good insight into ways of dealing with my personal situation. But I must say I am very discouraged to see the way people are becoming afraid to post and how people are lashing out at each other, we are all here for pretty much the same reasons.

We are meeting with a lawyer .....I need some suggestions.

yesican's picture

My dh and I sat down with sd (12) and talked about her math grade she is failing and emails from the teacher indicate that she is not trying her best. She is currently living with bm and at our home every Wednesday and EOW. My other sd (10) is coming to our home for visits very tired with bags underneath her eyes nearly every visit. Bm is very controlling and favors ss (7) which does not come to our home and has not been taking scheduled one on one visits with dh. Currently BM and her husband live in a small 3 bedroom home.

BM had no problem sending sd's when bd has whooping cough....go figure

yesican's picture

BM had no problem sending sd's for visitation even though my bd has whooping cough. I tried to keep bd away from sd's and they will be back on Friday night. I am truly suprised bm sent them, if they get it then that is her fault and they will not becoming to my home until they are not contagious.I do not want them getting it, but bringing them to our home is taking a great risk even though dh and I are following all precations.

DH is not thinking correctly.....

yesican's picture

Took my bd to the doctor this morning and she has pertussis (whooping cough) this is dh day to have sd's and then we have them for EOW visit this weekend. I personally don't think this is a good idea to have sd's come to our home when bd has this very contagious illness. I don't think he is planning on telling bm that my daughter has this but he is planning on telling sd's. I think this will majorly back fire in his face if bm gets wind of this.

Visitation and stepmoms

yesican's picture

I have a question. If bm does not want the sk's around the evil stepmom on dh visitation. Where in the hell is dh supposed to take visitation with their kids? I have seen it posted many times and bm complains that dh doesn't spend enough time with the kids and how being around sm is bad. Where are they supposed to spend time with them then? At bm's so she can have her "family" back or so that she can monitor them.

SK's pictures at work.......

yesican's picture

This weekend while I was at the store I bought frames to put up bd's pic's at work. I do not have any pic's of sd's at my work but quite a few pics of my bd's. My dh made a comment, too bad I didn't have more springs pics from sd's school ( he only buys enough to hang up at home no extras and I buy the whole pack) then we could get frames for them so you could put them up at work. This might sound bad but I don't really want to do this, I don't want to look at their (sd's) pics at work and think of bm, youngest sd looks exactly like bm.

Frustrated to the max.

yesican's picture

I am so frustrated I could cry today. DH and I had a long talk yesterday about ss and his lack of respect for dh and how dh just seems to accept it. SS is 7 and is the most selfish child I have ever seen. And bm's blames dh for ss, when she just like dh feeds into the crapiness of ss attitude and babies him. I am so thankful that I do not have to deal with ss, as he does not come to our home.

Table manners.....

yesican's picture

I was reading another blog about problems with table manners. So here is my problem. My oldest bd (11) has horrible problem eating with her fork, she uses her fingers most of the time and she will put her food on her fork with her fingers and then eat it off the fork, she also eats with her mouth open alot of the time. We have worked with her since she was little at home and at families house. She is developmentally delayed and we are going to have her tested for autism too.

BM is so selfish......

yesican's picture

Well just talked to DH and he went to pick up school pics today for sk's, which we were not informed were in and could be purchased.BM took all the 8X10's just like last year. She is so selfish and self centered, it is always about her, wether or not it is good for the kids, and she has instilled this into ss and he is a total self centered brat!!!! She tells dh nothing about conferences, programs, problems in school,nothing.
