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Xero's Blog

I am not a fish.

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Hello, Stepville, you're looking well these days. Xero here. It's been a long year since I last wrote, and I am now here to get these things off my chest and put a close to the chapter I started many moons ago. This is honestly just for me to get words out and I could care less if anyone comments. But if you do, then kudos and thanks for your time.

Last I wrote, I was about to get married to the supposed love of my life. And we did get married. As far as the “love of my life” part… she was. Or so I thought. 

Depressed/discomfort starting to get noticed? It sucks

Xero's picture

This is just a general bummed out rant. Normally I would be more funny but I just can't seem to be in the zone at the moment. Digital beer on me afterward if you read to the end. Ok so I am not sure where to begin about this one. I have looked all over the forum and there tends to be people in a lot worse situations than me, so mostly I am grateful. My soon to be wife (Sunny) and I are on the same page about probably 98% of parenting and step parenting issues. So that's the good part because I see a lot of people that do not have an ally in their partner. That is a very sad thing.