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It's all the same

wth was I thinking's picture

I have a friend, she was married before to a man with a daughter. Daughter was about 10 or so when they got married. My friend has a son, who was a little younger than the girl. We were having a few drinks the other evening, and talking about the whole fucked up step dynamic (it was that Godforsaken three day skid weekend). She told me the same stories I hear on here, almost verbatim.

SD was Daddy's Little Princess, and could do no wrong. I threw out the term 'mini-wife', and she exclaimed 'YES! Exactly!! A miniature wife!!' There were no standards, expectations, or rules for Dear Princess, but if her BS stepped even a little out of line, hell was rained down on him. She was expected to loooove the SD, but there was just indifference (at best) between her H and her BS.

And on and on...

They are divorced now, and she agrees with me that SD's are the absolute worst, especially in the teenage years (they were married for like 9 years, so she went through that whole miserable time). It just struck me as so, sad, that it's the same scenario. Over. And over.

The silver lining to all this? She gave me a key and said 'come over any time you need to, you know where the liquor is'. Blum 3