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Willow2010's picture

A few weeks ago, SS had a HS dance. BM and DH went to go take pictures of SS at his GF’s house. While there, SS asked to have a picture with BM and DH at the same time. (I was not there)

Let me clarify, that I am ok with this. I can understand him wanting to have a picture of him, and his bio mom and bio dad.

Well, we had an issue this weekend where SS was a butt and I got him in trouble with his dad. My bad. lol

Guess who put that picture up as his face book picture. Guess who put up the picture as HER face book picture. LMAO. Both SS and BM put that pic up. The picture does not bother me, but I can tell that they think it will bother me. That ticks me off a little.

SS commented that he loves having a pic with his mom and dad at the same time. BM’s comment to that, was that there will be plenty more soon since prom and graduation is coming up. Bwaahaahaahaa. Stoopid people make me laugh.

Would it bother you if skids want your DH to take a pic with his ex? My daughter is livid. Lol. She can’t stand SS or BM and she loves DH. She thinks it was totally disrespectful to me for them to take a pic together. *shrugs*

I also wonder what BM’s DH thinks of that. lol



It was not wrong for SS to want the picture but the BM is wrong for her actions. You are more woman than me to not let that bother you. She could have just cropped DH out of the picture with so little effort.

mom2five's picture

It just makes BM look jealous and insecure.

My son graduated from high school a few years ago. My ex and I didn't have pictures taken together. It actually never occurred to me to do so.

Willow2010's picture

LOL. I actually just went and looked, she changed it and did crop DH out of the pic.

LizzieA's picture

Think of it this way--BM is making herself look like a fool. She is married and she put up that picture? Anyone who sees it will feel sorry for her H.

We've had several events where that might happen--but I think SKs know better. DH would not want to be in a picture with BM! They haven't even asked. Although we were at their house a few months ago cleaning out some of DH's old stuff when SD (21) saw some pics and said "Oh, I want the ones of me with my Mom and Dad." Whatever, honey!

SteppingUp's picture

I think the strange part is that BM would post a picture of her with her ex???? That's just weird to me, even if he is the father of her child. And to be excited to get more of those pictures?? That's sending really strange messages to her son, too.

This reminded me of when my parents got divorced. I was a junior in high school, and my mom insisted that we get a picture with me, Mom, and Dad in it at almost every event. By my senior year I finally told her ABSOLUTELY NOT because I knew it was my mom's wishful thinking that they'd get back together (even though my dad had already moved on) and that it was very awkward for my dad. Years later I found out that my mom would send those pictures to my dad, knowing full well that my new step-mom would have to see the photo. own mother was the crazy BM for awhile.

starfish's picture

2 words for bm ~ douche bag! ~ dumb ass ~~ you take your pick?

totally childish of bm and probably her idea..... my skids are younger and neithe rof them would ever think about asking dh to be in the same room with bm much less take a picture...

sounds like bm is totally behind this.... kudos to you for taking the high road!

stormabruin's picture

It wouldn't bother me for my skids to have a picture taken with DH & BM as long as the skid is in the middle rather than DH & BM side-by-side. I'm not a skid myself, so I can only go by what I think I would feel, but if my parents were divorced, I do think I would like to have pictures with both of my parents in them with me. I don't know that I'd be okay with everyday snapshots, but we typically don't just hang out with BM. Even birthdays, I don't know that I'd really find necessary, but big events like graduation, my wedding...yeah, I would want to have both parents in a picture with me.

Willow2010's picture

I don’t think for one hot minute that SS thinks his parents will get back together. He knows they have a strong dislike for each other and they have been divorced for almost 15 years. The more I read the comments the more I think it was just to see if it could get a rise out of me.

And its not. Because I can come here and tell you all how dim witted they are. I should respond to SS picture with…”Great family photo” lol

IAMTRYIN's picture

…@willow - (”I should respond to SS picture with great family photo”) - I think that's a great idea you definitely will take the wind out of his sails lol

Chavez's picture

At my DS's graduation we took a picture of EH on one side and me on the other. It's in my facebook album right next to the picture of DH, DS and me. DH didn't care one bit, but profile picture? Noooo thanks!

I think you should definitely comment "great family photo"... that would be too funny!!!

DaizyDuke's picture

I don't think it's wrong that SS wanted a picture of him and Bm together with him, or for him to put the picture up on his FB....but for BM to put a picture of her with her ex up as her profile pic?? that just makes her look like a friggin loser. AND both of them are obviously trying to stick it to you, so I would just ignore the whole stupid thing... don't give them any satisfaction!

pastepmomof3's picture

We are nearing that stage now with SD15 and homecoming pictures and such. I really don't think DH would be willing to take a picture with BM, UNLESS if I and BM's SO was also in the picture and SD would definitely be in the middle.

I remember when my mom and dad split up for a couple years, I had an event and both had attended and I had pictures taken with both of them separately. There was no big drama or ordeal - that's just what we did.

wriggsy's picture

DH doesn't like the fact that he shares the same universe with BM, so I don't believe I will ever have to worry about him standing near BM long enough to have a picture taken. And if he did, he would make sure that I was standing next to him. That's one thing I am sure no amount of whining on SD's part would change.

Now...if only he could just stand up to BM every once in a while!! : )

hbell0428's picture

I agree with mercybockins; about putting it up as your pic; Yes it is childish; but things like that are funny to me. You should ask to take a pic with HER and put it up as your pic. SK do things like that because they are childish and also to just plain piss you off

hismineandours's picture

I wouldnt care if dh took a pic with bm. Of course it helps that she is super gross and nasty. But truly, I wouldnt care-not that it would ever happen as they just are rarely in the same place at the same time. Maybe I could suggest a nice pic of the three of them at pickups and dropoffs. I do think they were trying to rattle your cage by putting that stuff up there. I understand your ss's desire to have a pic of his parents and him, but he is old enough to know that gee, that might be awkard for my dad, my loving sm, or my bm's man-so if he has a pic like that he needs to find a special place to put it where he can enjoy it in private

purpledaisies's picture

My dh would NEVER EVER take a pic with bm. I would be very upset with dh if he did that. My dh doesn;t like his ex at all she is a horrid person. It sounds as though yours is some what too so I don;t understand why he took one with her? I mean it was a HS dance not like a huge event or anything. Sorry i just can;t get past why dh agreed to it in the first place.

But yeah her actions are making her look stupid is a ll.

skylarksms's picture

My DH practically RUNS if he even SEES BM. So I can't imagine him being stuck into a photo with her! I'm pretty sure he'd know that it would upset me too. I am petty like that. LOL

Ingrid's picture

I love the fact that you have more important things to do with you life than to mess with theirs.
Let us (at steptalk) be pissed for you so you can continue to do more important things with your day AND BTW make it a good one!:)

antidrama's picture

I doubt he would WANT to have a picture taken with BM. She still has a way to go to graduation and other big events where BM, DH, and I will be there with SD. I know it's fairly immature & callous of me, but I'm about 2000% more attractive than BM, so really....if others saw a pic of him with her they would laugh and congratulate him on moving up in the wife department. }:)