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Kids.. How their actions effect the entire family

Will it ever change's picture

You are not a good mother when you use your children to sabotage your ex’s relationship. Or because of jealousy that your child might have a good relationship with their step mother or Father’s partner. You should appreciate that they are good to your child and look out for their best interest. I know when my Ex has a relationship I am very cordial to the girlfriend because this way they will not be nasty to my kid I will not give them any reason. Than if there is an issue we can discuss and work together to fix it. No matter what no one can replace a mother. I have never tried to play the Mommy role with my boyfriends daughter’s. I have a son and I am his mother. I take care of his two girls like they are my nieces… which I have three of and love very much. When your plant things in your child head and talk poorly of their father and step mother/partner you are teaching your child unhealthy ways and it can burn you in the end. But tell me how is the step mother/partner suppose to handle this… When the child does not want to go with their father and they find many different excuses not to go from they live to close to the wood to the step mother /partner does not like me. Yes the mother has succeeded in tarnishing the relationship that I once had with his younger daughter. My heart breaks when she does not want to come and when she does not want to come on vacation with us and ignores us at school functions. But trying to be an adult and keeping a happy face can only last so long until you feel broken and hurt. You love the child but try to keep a distance because of her mother’s jealousy now it is affecting everyone. What do I do? Sad


stepmom31's picture

I'm dealing with this right now too.
I feel your pain.

I'm sorry I have no advice at all, except this: Don't let it consume you. Feel the pain but then put it aside and do something joyful at some point in your day. Hugs.

Will it ever change's picture

ahhh. Same here 10 his daughter, 11 and a 1/2 his daughter and 12 my son.... It is the youngest daughter that has all of the issues. I think she feels if she likes me she is being disloyal to her mother. I have known them for seven years and it has been very hard with the youngest for the last year now. We were very close before that.