Pooooor BM
SD received 2 awards at school this evening, BM of course doesn't show up, even though she has her on Thursdays.
Instead, SD gets a voicemail from her poor mommy that she's not coming to her awards tonight because "your dad is really upset with me and I don't want to set him off".
Seriously? Yes, DH is upset with BM but that's not really new, he's been upset with her for years! And in all the 7 years I've been around they've attended dozens of kid events together without making any kind of scene in public and in front of the kids.
I'm going to guess it was more likely the fact that BM can't be bothered to drive all the way up here to support her daughter. Or she has to be sure to be home to get her youngest to bed at exactly 8pm or that she doesn't like driving after dark, or she's embarrassed about her recent assanine behavior and is ashamed to show her face around people that continually call her out on her BS....... But it's so much easier to blame eeeeeeeverybody else and pretend to be the victim over and over again.
Whatever. We had a lovely time watch 2 of our 4 kids gets some well-deserved recognition for all their hard work and I must admit I don't think any of us missed BM.
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We just got the softball game
We just got the softball game schedule. All games are played across the county from us, roughly 45-60 mins. BM lives half way between us and the fields. I will bet a paycheck that she will refuse to take SD to games, SD will be at her house most of the summer. DSO will have to leave work early and then go get SD at BMs and then go to the fields. I can help occasionally, but I work in a different county and work 12 hour days.
SD wanted to play a sport so badly, I realize this wasn't a BM decision, but I raised my kids on the belief of letting them try new things and supporting them.
SD may hate it and not play again, but she doesn't know unless she tries. Plus, SD is getting obese so the fresh air and exercise won't hurt her one bit.