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Evil SM = Stalker BM

WifeVersion2.0's picture

Apparently the hatered that the BM feels for me has turned her into a stalker.

Since the spat on the phone between BM and myself she has gone to great lengths to avoid me. I find it amusing and pretend that she does so because she is so embarrassed by her behavior that she can't stand to face me but I doubt that's really it.

I haven't gone with DH in a while to p-up skids and every time BM has come out to his car with the kids and chatted. So, this past Wednesday I did accompany DH on the p-up and surprise, surprise....BM didn't want to come out and chat and instead stood at the screen door shooting dart lasers at me with her eyes while DH and I smiled and greeted the kiddos. I knew that she had the receipt to give us for the eye exam and contacts for SD and figured she would be delivering it to us at p-up but I guess it was more important that she not come out while I was there. Instead, DH gets an e-mailed copy of the receipt an hour later from BM. He doesn't respond and forwards it to me the next morning and I laugh at the timing of it all. We were just there, she couldn't hand it to him....really? Smile

So, the next morning DH drives skids to school. One has to be there earlier than the other so DH usually takes the one skid to a particular fast-food place to have a little breakfast and some solo time before school. The kids have mentioned this to BM so she knows that this is their routine. DH and skid go to leave the restaurant and BM walks up to his car (out of the blue) and hands him the receipt for the vision services. :? DH is puzzled and doesn't mention that he got the e-mail and tells skid to give their stuff to BM while she's there.

This woman was sooooooo determined not to come out of her house while I was there and hand DH a receipt that she made a special/extra stalker trip early the next morning (remember she doesn't work and didn't appear to be going anywhere important according to DH) instead so that she could hand DH a piece of paper that she had already e-mailed to him!

When DH told me this I said "You know that is ultimate physcho behavior right?" his reply was "You know we are talking about my ex right?". Biggrin

So, BM's receipt for SD was for $100, our half was $50.00 which is what she was requesting we pay her in the e-mail she sent. We e-mailed her back with a copy of our receipt for SS's contacts that we purchased last month. Stated the amount we paid, what her half was and that the difference in what she owed and what we owed came out to $15. Told her we would reimburse her $15 within 2 weeks. I'm sure she was thrilled. Smile

I get the privilege of picking up skids tonight.....I wonder if she will come out to chat? }:)


kimmy77's picture

haha Oh my gosh. Sounds so much like my SKIDS BM. She will go out of her way to avoid me. But in return i just avoid her too. I never go with DH to pick up/drop off SKIDS. But.. after reading this.. Think i might start! How awesome!

sherrilyn821's picture

bm that suck should have a special place in hell.............sick of them not putting kids first

Asher10's picture

BM's that suck should have the private suite but that suite should have a giant movie screen that plays a revolving video of all the happy moments her ex has had with his new wife/SO, including sex scenes:)

WifeVersion2.0's picture

Oh My....that would blow her mind! You should see the looks I get at kid sporting events when DH leans in to give me a kiss or plays with my hair or helps me put my coat on......It's a good thing her eyes don't shoot actual lasers!

ddakan's picture

Could BM just grow up here. Give the receipt to the kid and let the kid hand it to daddy. Why come chat it up at all? I know why....PSYCHO!