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life insurance to the EX.....

whoami's picture

has anyone ever had any issues with their new hubbies, fiances, bfs and the amount of life insurance granted towards their ex wives in the divorce decree?

i just viewed your responses and they were all helpful but what i really want to know is if you think this is fair:

i have just discovered that my fiance's ex is the beneficiary of a $650,00 life insurance policy!! it's stated in the divorce decree and apparently was ordered by the court allegedly that amount is suppose to be for the coverage for child support and maintenaince for the ex until all kids turn 18. i think it's absolutely friggin ridiculous and a load of crap! and i am almost tempted to ask him to modify that part of his edcree as well as adjust the policy so it states that a reasonable amount be granted to his kids only! not $650,000!! we're not rich, not even close! especially after all the money his ex sucks from his bank account every month.


hammesamie's picture

Here we do not have to carry life insurance. We do have it but she does not get any of it, that to me seems like a reason women would kill their exes!!!!

****The best exercise is walking down the aisle****

Sebbie's picture

Lovers do not finally meet somewhere, they were with each other all along.

but ss is the benificary, not bm.

Colorado Girl's picture

The decree states that she has to carry it on him and him on her. I think like $50,000. She has a policy on herself with their kids as beneficiaries and him after them. She gets it free through her work, that's the only reason. The court order says that she's responsible for the premium for a policy on him, so basically she took care of our part of it for us. But I never saw the point of having a policy on her - I can't imagine how much money I'd save if she croaked! But she'd be lost if she stopped getting the $ DH gives her.

Susanna's picture

Incidently, I think I heard once of the Slayer Law's that say if you kill someone, you do not get the insurance money. This may seem like a no brainer, but somewhere someone got away with it or they wouldn't have written the law.

I wonder if it was a bio mom that tried that:0

"One breath at a time is an acceptable plan."
Ani DiFranco

whoami's picture

i just don't like the feeling of knowing that this crazy psycho woman could potentially strike it rich if anything ever happened to him. even if we did take another life insurance policy out to cover the new family. i don't think she should get that much, if anything at all. he just removed her as the beneficiary and made his kids the beneficiaries but i am told that if it's in the divorce decree then if anything happend (god forbid) that whatever is stated in the divorce decree must be honored. i just think it's bullshit.

hangingin's picture

Who do you think will get the money anyway? Dear old Mom! They can run through the money like speedracer,IF there hasn't been a stipulation to the life insurance policy,like SOMEONE else taking control of the money,as a protection for the children.
I don't know how old the children are,but chances are that BH will still be here even after they turn 18,this is one of those times where you have to hold on and pray that everything turns out alright.Or you could take her back to court to try to modify the insurance,IF your BF agrees, most Dads are adament about providing for their children.
Good Luck


whoami's picture

he should absolutely provide for his children but it states no where in the divorce decree that the money (or any of it) is allocated to his children and i think that pisses me off most. isn't there ANYONE else who can be listed as guardian for the children's money besides the BM?

i hate even talking about this but heaven forbid something happens!!

perhaps you are right though. i should just bite my lips and pray to god nothing happens to him.

hangingin's picture

look into that possiblity. Maybe you can check with your Attorney on how to go about modifying that little peice of paper,or you can look into your state's laws on this matter.It sure wouldn't hurt to look into it.If it is possible,than your BF can choose anyone,could be a Godparent (who knows the BM really well) and someone who can and will stand up to her manipulations.
Let us know what you find out!


hangingin's picture

look into the matter and talk to your Attorney to see if there is legal recourse on modifying the life insurance to appoint a legal Guardian for the best interests of the children.Or you could check into your states laws concerning this matter.A guardian could be anyone from a Godparent to a family friend who agrees to this and is well aware of the whole situation.It never hurts to look into all of this and then you two can decide if you should take her back to court for modification of this.IF state law allows it.
Keep up the Faith. And let us know what you find out.
