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Not a change....

welcome2BatesMotel's picture

My house of sanity was violated, so there was a need to change...hints at who i am :

1. Bazinga!
2. spawn of satan
3. Holy Hell
4. lil Lucifier
5. Lil Norman Bates

i'm pretty sure most of you will know!!!!..... Biggrin

but after this i will no longer keep up my blogs...every blog will get deleted by the end of the day...damn it.... Sad


MotherTrucker's picture

I have to say that I am a little obsessed with the new Bates Motel show! I am hooked!

welcome2BatesMotel's picture

its all still ME..and im not going anywhere..this place is my HAPPY place... Wink

whatwasithinkin's picture

HI!! Smile

welcome2BatesMotel's picture

hello.... Blum 3 Wink

fedup13's picture

Hey there friend. I know who you are....anyway, I hope everything is ok. I will msg. you. Like the new name by the way.

fedup13's picture

I tried to click on your new name to msg you and it won't let me. PM me and let me know what the hell is going on!! I am worried about you!

princessandthepee's picture

I feel dumb, I don't recognize you! Seems like I should, I've been here a year and a half. But I've been pretty self-absorbed for a long time.
Whoever you are, I love the name, too. And welcome back.

RedWingsFan's picture

THERE you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was worried! Glad to see you here though. I hope everything is ok!

Tuff Noogies's picture

Hi! hmmmm... bates motel... 'b.m.'.... crap, can't "open up a can of BM". we'll have to come up with a new saying Wink