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The Christmas season is over

WalkOnBy's picture

Well, friends, my glorious skid free two weeks will come to an end very soon.

DH is at the airport right now picking them up.

They will come home to find a new dining room table, rug, chairs and buffet, a new sofa, rug and two chairs in the living room, and DH's fabulous new car in the driveway.

Who wants to place bets on how long it takes one of them to complain about how much I got for Christmas?

Remember how I said Merry Christmas to me? I will not be saying happy new year to me.

The return of ASS is nigh. Sigh.


oneoffour's picture

Just smile ans rise about the crap remarks and say "When you work as hard as we do you too can reap the rewards." Then walk away.If they treat your new things like animals just tell DH to deal with it. Or wait until they are asleep then throw a bucket of cold water over them. When they scream just lean in and say "THAT is what happens when you mistreat my things. Do NOT do it again or you will never want to know what happens next."
If they behave like brats just say "Really? So this is how your mother allows you to behave? I doubt she does. No one would want their children to be so awful."
The last one worked like a charm for me. I 'assumed' their mother would not allow SSons to be slothful lazy arses. I knew otherwise but casting it back on BM worked every single time.

WalkOnBy's picture

These kids have not laid eyes on their mother in almost 4 years.

But, when they were living with her, she did allow them to treat everything like it was replaceable.

If anyone makes one snide comment to me, or I overhear them making snide comments to DH, you can bet your ass I'm going to tell them that we work very hard for our money and when they have jobs they can buy nice things.

lintini's picture

I cannot wait for ss14 to go back to his mom on Saturday.

Sounds like your house had a nice break from them too!! It had a spa week!!