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Rant about DH and dishes

Wah-wah-11's picture

There's a sink full of dishes and DH procedes to tell me that only 1 of those are his response is it doesn't matter who dirty the dishes we all live here and eat off them ...I guess since he can't wash dishes I cooked for his precious children and they ate off of I should only have to wash clothes that me and my kid wore ... I shouldn't vac up the dirt his kids drag in from the ball field ... The papers they leave laying ... The coke cans they leave laying ... What the ell ever


Indigo's picture

My SO stood at the sink and looked down ... "Hey, only one of those is mine, but Harley (his cat) has 7 dishes in here." SO washed all the dishes including his cat's dishes. LOL. He did the dishes so I can ignore the mumbling.

Wah-wah-11's picture

What the shit is the deal with these men who think they have don't have I do anything

just.his.wife's picture

I am going to go creep off into a corner here before you ladies lynch me so you can have next dibs on my hubby. This isn't a problem in my home. DH is trained. He would shoot himself if he realized it... but in the last ten years, he has been slowly, gently and oh so lovingly trained. He really thinks doing all this stuff is 'his idea' or 'his mama trained him well' (which she did an excellent start at the training!) and ok sweetheart... whatever you want to believe/need to tell yourself.

I worked yesterday. OT.
I came home and the house was cleaned, vaccumed, dusted, dishes done, laundry done, porch pressure washed, garage organized and dinner was cooking on the stove and he was standing at the bar mixing me a drink.

You need to get a guy like mine.
Cute, intelligent, good in bed, makes above average for an income, cleans, cooks, sews!, knows his way around cars, house repairs and best of all... he has figured out how to stick his foot up a childs ass when needed! Disney Daddy has left the building which is why I rarely post anymore- he fixed the problem(s). Now its just typical teenage/kid shit that all parents, bio/step/adoptive etc have to go thru.

Wah-wah-11's picture

My house was clean Monday when I went to work ... Not now bc the kids don't have to do jack shit except make messes