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Just find this odd ..

Wah-wah-11's picture

All 3 kids are boys ... When referring to the step kids they are referred to as "the boys".. When referring to bs it's his name, nickname, or he/him .. If we say the boys would like that .. It's known we are referring to the steps not all 3... When talking about all 3 it's "the kids" .. Just thought that was odd


Glassslipper's picture

We have "the middles"
DS is older, we refer to him by name.
DD and SS are close in age and personality, they are referred to as "the middles"
SD is 10 now, but we still refer to her as "the baby"

When they were little we used to count them off as we filed them into the car or out the door.
Once the youngest was the second in the line out the door and DH and I said "1, 2, 3 and 4" SD turned around and said "but I'm and 4"