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All over again

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To give you some insight to my wonderful world of stepparenting and dealing with an insane exwife, I would have to start somewhere near the beginning. I have dealt with this vendictive woman for three years. This women has done everything in her power to drive our family apart. When I first moved in she went as far as calling children services and has done so on several occassion after losing in court. Each time the case if unfounded, but that doesn't excuse the intrusion. She lies to her children about us and lies to anyone who will listen. She has called animal control when children services didn't work. I have called the district attorney he can't help us without concrete evidence. She allows her daughters to entertain boys overnight. Let me say these girls are currently 17 14 and 12. But the sexual activity began with the oldest at 14, the middle at 13 and the youngest 12. Again we have no recorse without proof. She allow the gils to drink alcohol and leaves them for weekends while she drives 3 hrs away to visit BF. Two of the girls have since moved out, the eldest moved two months after I moved in, and the middle at the end of June 2009, and I thanked god. The youngesst is still here. It never fails after every weekend or extented visit with her BM, SD comes back with lies and stories and then we recieve a visit from some services dept. I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown! I hate everything about this women, her only mission seems to be ruining what happiness we do have. I don't know what to do anymore. I have told my son's that we might be looking for a new home. My DH in all his wisdom says I have given up. How dare him ! I have dealt with this nut job for over three years. I have dealt with false accusations and hateful comments from both BM and all of my SD. I am tired of being beaten up for loving my husband and wanting a happy life. BM encourages SD's to be hateful to both me and DH. I just dont know what to do anymore.
Ofcourse SD was at BM for the New Year weekend and not ten minutes after SD returned we recieved a call saying that someone called and stated we abused our family pet. Oldest SD texted DH and stated that youngest SD told her that the family dog couldn't walk due to abuse. Again more lies!!! The daughters will say anything to anyone to watch the effect it will have for fun. I don't have any defense here.