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A Progression of bad behavior

used_to_be_blonde's picture

It seems that SD13 has progressed from lying to stealing. I had noticed items missing -makeup, clothes, but didn't say anything because I am so scatterbrained I lose things a lot and also I just didn't want anymore trouble!!
But her grandmother asked her about some Victorias Secret stuff she had and of course it was mine and she had taken it.
Then when cleaning her room I find some of my boxed Barbies and clothes she had taken, opened and played with.
Her attitude when asked about this is different now = she doesn't even pretend to feel bad -just defiant. She always comes back with well you did so and so . I don't know whwat to do.


disgusted's picture

I can relate...My step brat age 12 is a lying little theif also. If she takes something that belongs to you then take something that belongs to her. Much to my shock she broke something of mine the other night and her dad removed one gift of hers from under the tree, open it up in front of her, and told her her that it belongs to me now...That got her where she lived because its something she had been wanting for along time...Let her know that anytime she takes something of someone elses it will be replaced with something that belongs to her...What does your DH do when she is busted stealing something?

Hugs...I know how angering this could be...

In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities. ~ disgusted stepmom

Christy_P's picture

I literally have to lock my bedroom door when I leave b/c she will go in my room and steal things. She even steals my underwear and wears it, how gross is that? What's worse is you find it in her room, and she still has the nerve to lie about it. I got lucky though b/c she is moving back in with her mother(b/c her mother has no rules to follow) Christmas Break, so I won't be constantly worried about what she is going to do while in my house.