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FDH Friends Some Random Girl on a Online Game that He Plays

Unhappy's picture

I am hot right now. I get a text from FDH while I was at work yesterday about how some chick on the online poker game he plays hit on him. So when I get home he tells me all about how she said she needed a BF and asked him if he was single. He even knows her age. According to him he told her no but he had some single friends.

Throughout the rest of the evening this got me thinking. How the hell is he supposed to hook her up with one of his friends? So I asked him and then he told me that he firended her.

WTH FDH!!!! I bitched him out and then got called insecure. Really FDH!!! I'm not being insecure. I was under the impression that when you're in a relationship where you are planning on getting married in less then three months that you don't go around friending random online girls that hit on you.

He still doesn't get it and doesn't see anything wrong with it. His apology this morning mentioned nothing about his actions being wrong, only that he respects my opinion of me stating that it's inappropriate and disrestectful towrads me and he won't play the game anymore.


3littlemonkeys's picture

I can't help but wonder why he called you at work to tell you he got hit on?? That's so weird...

stormabruin's picture

Harmless or not, it's disrespectful.

I have played games online & the first thing I do when I sign in to play is turn the chat off. I'm there to play a game, not be chatty with strangers.

Like Identitycrisis stated, "Just don't want to be that disrespectful to FDH." That's all the reason it should take.

Why would he text that to you? It sounds like he's trying to provoke jealousy or insecurity. Not cool.

Your DH needs to pull his head out of his ass & stop inviting grief to his relationship. He has no ties to this woman. He doesn't need to make them.

misscinna's picture

Honestly I just think he is trying to make you upset and jealous. Congratulations - It worked. He is pushing your buttons to feel you out and see what you're made of.

stormabruin's picture

"He is pushing your buttons to feel you out and see what you're made of."
I dunno. To me, it just sounds like he's being an ass.

gijimenez5's picture

I don't think it's harmless, I only say this because this is a big issue for me and DH. I am always playing games and he gets super paranoid that I am play with someone who we don't know. If I do a random I don't talk anything personal with this person, I wouldn't be able to tell you the sex. When you start talking that's how things come up, before you know it, they can't wait to play, then they can't wait to chat, chat leads to knowing they have common interest, then we should meet, etc, Ask you hubby if he would mind, because mine does mind, and after I put thought to it I see why and i would mind if he was chatting up a random girl..

Unhappy's picture

Thank you all for making me feel that I am not being unrealistic here. For some reason he just doesn't get it. I just don't understand. And he has made bad decisions prior to this with how he handled his ex wife which lead to her stalking him for the first year of our relationship.

I asked him repeatedly to tell her that he was in a committed relationship and that she needed to stop but he just couldn't manage to do that until I finally blew up on him the day after Thanksgiving when I saw that she had sent him a picture of herself the day before Thanksgiving.

Totalybogus's picture

I think you should ask him to put the shoe on the other foot. How would he feel if you friended a guy that was hitting on you?

Unhappy's picture

Another thing that has me p!ssed at FDH is that he proceeded to pass out at 7:45 last night. The kids don't go to be until 8:00.

I've already texted him several times about the fact that he spent more time chatting with some random girl that hit on him online then he did with the women that he lives with and is supposed to be marrying in less then three months.

Guess what? He didn't deny it. Which leads me to believe that apprently there was a lot more to this interaction then FDH has actually told me. He didn't even tell me that he friended her until I asked how he was going to hook her up with one of his friends. Apprently that little detail didn't seem very important when he initially told me what happened. Then he tried to tell me that he has no way of contacting her even though he friended her. (It's not a FB game, or at least I don't think it is, it's an online poker game.) So which is it FDH? You can contact her or you can't?

It's just so stupid. It's like he loves drama. "What can I do to p!ss Unhappy off today?" We aready have a hard enough time going a sigle week without a fight and he's friending a random girl online that was hitting on him. It's freaking rediculous. Oh not to mention every female wants to know when their SO is being hit on right? Not so much for me. I really don't care if it's an ego boost for him he can keep it to himself.

z3girl's picture

I have sort of a similar situation with my DH. We've been on FB for a few years. I don't friend many need just because I "know" a person. DH was the same and didn't even use his real last name. Recently he added like 20 people, and I knew it was because his old hs football teammate posted their team pic and people realized who he is. NBD. So then he started playing a Margaritaville game on FB and added like 30 new people, many with Jimmy Buffett as profile pics. He went 4 years with only 13 friends and now is Mr Popular? And always chatting? It irks me, but at this point I'm almost daring him to to something totally stupid. I'm curious if he really is that dumb!