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Letter for BM- no this isn't what i'd really send...

unbelieveable's picture

The actual letter would make her want to jump off a cliff.


Tonight the smalls told us you are NOT taking them to the beach with you. They said it's because there's no room for them. Yet, there will be other children going. You are taking their half-brother...because it's his father's family-but you're not taking the girls.

We have them 3 sometimes 4 nights a week- atleast two of these other nights they are with a grandparent,cousins, or friends house- or sleeping on your baby daddy's couch. I'm not complaining we see them more than you as it is summer and you needed extra help -that's fine. However- these girls are scarred. You've told you're oldest you don't want her and she can come live with us but you're keeping her sister. You discipline her mentally with these hurtful words when you're the one who taught her how to behave the way she does. She's a miniature you and I intend to break your bad habits you've taught her. Your youngest constantly misses you- and I understand why- she never sees you! And now- you're abandoning her for another week and this poor kid keeps forgiving you and constantly makes excuses for your actions.

Now, you can tell me I don't understand what you're going through and throw a sob story at me and tell I'm not a parent- that's fine. But just remember- while you've moved these girls 12 times in 5 years - while you've been more concerned with you're boyfriends, tattoos, getting your hair done , and planning vacations- I'm the one who has been wiping the tears from your children's eyes- making them home cooked meals and teaching them how to bake, I'm the one reading them bedtime stories at night, and I'm the one whose lap they sit on during the movie night setup we have. I may not be a parent- but I sure as hell seem to be doing the "parenting!". I hope you sleep well at night in whoevers bed you're sleeping in- I'll be here for your girls with their daddy when they wake up with a bad dream at night dreaming about monsters- I just hope that someday they realize that monster is you.

Love. Unbelievable

P.s. oh and your 7 and 9 year olds do not need a cellphone. It will be turned off when they are here - their father made that decision. If you'd like to SPEAK to them there are three different numbers you can call to reach them. They do deserve to hear your voice- I don't want them thinking it's okay to constantly spell everything wrong from looking at your text messages.


The Confused One's picture
