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A great example of fine BM fine parenting...

tryingtokeepthesanity's picture

We leave in OH and right now the temp is about 4 degrees. Yesterday, when DH picked up the older 2 boys the youngest SS11 was red faced and crying. No gloves,hat or a scarf. He was outside with a snowboard. Ok just just right outside the house but down a couple of streets at the main road (which is real busy)

When DH got home he sent BM an email about the situation and how it was inappropriate to have the kids outside at all. She finally wrote back in some lame ass excuse on what happened.

In a nutshell....

SS11 and his friend were driven up to the main road and was instructed to have his outerwear on and to go down the "hill" one time. The friend's mother drove back home. (they live with BM because she spends too much money on herself) And the kids walked home. It has to be almost a 1/2 mile. BM doesnt agree by saying it is only down the steet. When it takes a few minutes in a car to get to here house I don't think it is down the street.

Hello? Do kids really do things fun for 1 time?? She actually believes the BS she gives out!! Dh wrote the email for the documentation for the attorney...BM really tried to talk her way out of this one!! Who is going to believe that the kids should be outside just for a few minutes??


imagr8tma's picture

That is just crazy. I hope your SS doesn't not get sick as a result of her negligence.

Rae's picture

She's an idiot!

But I have to say, if kids weren't allowed outside at all in 4 degree temps, we'd have a lot of unhappy kids here! And even worse a lot of unhappy parents with cabin fevered kids!!!!! Smile

We were well below zero for 3 weeks. The kids still sledded, and skied, and skated, played hockey, etc. Of course, most parents are smart enough to MAKE SURE their kids are layered up even if just going out for a short time, and wearing gloves, wearing a hat, and neck gaiter and maybe even goggles...and nowadays, if snowboarding....a helmet.

secondwife20's picture

One time I was sitting in the car waiting for DH to come out with SD8. This child comes out in a pink skirt (without any tights on!) and a little pink sweater. It wasn't below zero at the time but certainly below 32 degrees! My jaw drops and I'm like "Why the eff did BM let SD8 out in THAT?"

DH: Well, I tried to tell her to wear something else but she insisted that she wouldn't leave the house in anything else.
Me: Okay... so leave her?
DH: She really wanted to come.
Me: *squeezes the steering wheel so that I don't strangle DH* So when she gets older, you and BM are gonna let her walk out the house in short skirts and a bra because she won't leave the house in anything else?
DH: That's different.
Me: Sure. Some parents you and BM are.

Guh. I was pretty much disgusted that night. My mom and dad would never let me walk out of the house in freezing cold weather unless we had layers... because you know what? Even if we did get hot, we could always take a layer off... when you wear a SKIRT and a little frimpy sweater that isn't even WARM... you have no choice but to freeze your stupid butt off!

The Principlist's picture

Keep a camera in your car even if it is a disposable one. That way you can always take a picture when you approach and find such nonsense. SS doesn't need to know you are taking the picture or he can. I would say something like look at you in your snowgear, let me get a picture or something. I know lame, but will later come in handy. Pictures speak louder than words every time.

Step Mother's Motto this week is:

You don't have to LOVE me, you don't even have to LIKE me... But you will RESPECT me.

SM#1's picture

Good tip.