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Has anyone read

Tre_Lin's picture

Has anyone read the book "No One's the Bitch"? I just ordered it thinking that it would give me some ideas on how I could possibly get along with SD3 BM. I'm wondering if anyone has read it and taken anything good from it.


iwishyouwould's picture

I have. Good book... Totally not applicable to my situation. It was geared towards ex-wives, not ex- i - never - meant- to spend - more - than - a week- with - you's who are psychotic ; it also seemed to be geared towards ex's who are involved on some kind of appropriate level with their children and fathers who are the non-custodial parents... really good book, totally not appropriate to my situation.

PoisonApples's picture

Try 'Wolf in Sheep's Clothing'. It totally fit our situation and gives insight but unfortunately not much advice on how to deal with people like that except to say minimize contact as much as possible.

Synaesthete's picture

I haven't read this book but I have heard of it... I think BM and I get along fine without it, but I've always wanted to read it for curiosity's sake, anyhow.