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Stupid BM/BD tricks

Tranquility's picture

I am starting a thread with stupid tricks bio parents do to...well, whatever their stupid reasoning is. If you have a quick story (keep it brief if possible, like a paragraph or less, please share it on this thread Smile

Here goes mine: BM calls 10 min before SS's practice and says "Can you (dad) pick up SS12 and take him to practice, I have to go groceries shopping". SS12 lives around the corner from the school where they practice.

SS12 has not been allowed to see dad pretty much since he was born (maybe an hour a month, not even on dad's birthday). How about: Can you gives us more notice? We have four other kids plus you can do your shopping AFTER you drop him off? Yadum!


DeeDeeTX's picture

Imposing consequences they have no intention of keeping.

"if you don't do X, I'll take away Y."

When you know, and the bio kids know, and probably random strangers listening know the bio parent will never take away Y.

justanothergurlNJ's picture

At 12 yo why can't SS walk there himself!

THe first one that comes to mind is the first weekend BF had to work when we had the sbrats I drove him to work since we only have 1 car, she asks BF well did she take sbrats with her when she drove you to work? UMMMMM No!! Like I would really leave your misbehaved kids home with my 14yo son and 11 yo daughter. He should have said yea she duct taped them to a chair SMH. I hate this woman!

just tired's picture

Telling SD14 inappropriate, untruthful information that's meant to turn SD against DH & me. She uses just enough of the truth to make it sound reasonable, and the poison then works.

And, in general, just anything to try to make our lives full of drama and chaos.

Tranquility's picture

Yep. Hail to us Whores! (aka I was too effin crazy to keep my man and he is so happy with you and I hate your guts haha). I love it when they say that we stole their man when they have not even been together for years, months, etc. The one I love the most is when THEY had the affair and even their new BF lives in the house with them and they still say we are the ones that did something wrong. My fave!

My ultimate fave is when BM says bad things about us and they have 3 kids from three different guys-some one night stands. That one steals the trophy! Bahahahaaaa Oh, I have seen it all.

dontcallmestepmom's picture

BM and the kids call me the "whore" and the "bitch." She is the one who had multiple affairs, the kids know this. She did drugs, dropped out of high school. I have a Master's degree and do not even drink. It is pretty funny.

But, the abuse my FDH suffered at all of their hands is so sad. The "kids" are 19, 20, 23. Right now, BM is getting nervous bc she is about to lose CS-her ONLY source of income. So, she has the kids trying to guilt FDH through texts and Facebook messages. No one works (his daughter does, but part time), so they have to be getting anxious. She is also telling them she and FDH should be back together. All my FDH was to them, is to them, is a source of money. I expect that once CS actually ends, she will get really nutty and put them into full-force guilting mode. We are getting married in a couple of weeks, and they do not know the details. I expect her to also try the guilting method after the find out about the wedding. Her tactics are not gonna work. FDH has had it. They have basically told him they do not want to work, and expect him to support them. They want to move in here, too, in my tiny little house. Also never gonna happen. The one good thing is they are all so lazy that they probably would be worse, but they don't like to interrupt sleeping and video games to make an effort to do more than text and email.

Tranquility's picture

Hahaha let me handle this one: When they call you a ho, tell them "I am the BEST at everything I do" ;)There is always "At least I am a smart whore, not a stupid whore" (mumble as you walk away "like someone else you know well" hahahahaha

Just keep it light, like you are a Stepmom from another plant and nothing gets to you- now THAT will scare the pants off of them hahaha

PS: Have fun at your wedding and remember- you have the "Hotpocket Power" Wink

borrowedtime83's picture

BD and I don't speak at all pretty much. We have had 2 protective orders, and he currently owes about $24,000 in back child support, along with him having "supervised" visits. But he WILL call and text and PRETEND to be nice around contempt of court hearing time. And also on the week that he wants to take BD to his family camping trip, which he is not allowed to do because it's not on the visitation schedule, and it's not supervised. He thinks that one of these days I am going to fall for his BS and forgive all the back support and let him take her camping. Like after all these years I don't know how he operates, and one forcibly civil text or phone call is going to undo the reality that he only speaks to my when there is something he wants, otherwise I am a crazy bi-polar whore who is unfit to have my child.