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Really want to stick it too BM

totallypissd's picture

My partner and I have been struggling with his ex partner about care arrangements for ss for the pass 4 years now. She has been threating to take us to court for the pass 4 years but has never followed through with her threats. About 2-3 weeks ago we started taking ss7 to counselling because he had changed dramatically his behaviour at school was changing to him not wanting to do anything and he never wanted to go back to his mother's he would always cry but never told us why. Just last week friday his counsellor had told us that his step father and mother physically and emotional abuse him and his step brother constantly. ss counsellor advised us not to take him back until the courts had sorted out the arrangements she also said that she was making a notification to CYFS about the abuse and that we should be going for full custody. We went to see our lawyer (because before the counselling we were going for 50/50 custody) and told her what the counsellor had told us, our lawyer then filed for a interim parenting order the same day we went to see her then the following day she told us it had been approved. Yaahhhh for us and especially ss As of right now ss hasnt seen his mother for 10 days he hasnt asked for her at all (which i think is good). We also havent recieved the approved papers from the courts yet but tomorrow my partner is going to see the lawyer. Our lawyer did tell us that we will have tempoary full custody and the mother will have supervised contact until the final order is drawn up. I am wondering since we have full custody can my partner tell IRD that the mother no longer has ss7 in her care and wont until the courts have decided the mother also recieves a benefit for ss (even thou he's not in her care) who is suppose to inform ird and winz of these changes? As i dont see the point in us having to pay child support to her when ss7 isnt even in her care and i dont think its fair that she recieves a benefit for this child, isnt that FRAUD? Will we look bad (in the courts eyes) if we informed IRD and WINZ of the care arrangements even thou they havent been put into a final parenting order?


JEEMudder's picture

Oh my goodness, do eet! Google it, to find out if you are legally oblidged, but definately take any and every chance to stick it to the B! In the meantime, lots of hugs for SS! I hope everything works out in court for you guys in the long run!