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Miss DH

tofurkey's picture

I miss DH so very much. We don't get shit for time together. During the week, he leaves at about 7a.m. I will get up with him to make us some coffee and that gives us about 15 minutes together. He doesn't get done with work until about 7-8p.m. As soon as he gets home we have dinner together, he takes a shower and we go to bed so that gives s about 2 hours together at night max. On the weekends, we either have work that needs to be done on Saturday or Sunday. I don't know how many times we have gotten extra work done during the week or on weekends, just got home and sat down, and the phone rings again and one or both of us hasto go right back out. Then every other weekend we go to MIL's to see skid in the morning/afternoon and get work done at night. So with those days there really isn't shit for time together. I guess that makes skid weekends even harder. Even if we have something that needs to be done that night that is going to take us 6 hours to do, we still need to drive the hour out to MIL's, spend enough time there, and drive the hour back to around where we live and sometimes working on crap until 8,9,10 at night...It's exhausting. We try to squeeze as much time in together as we can, but it goes by sooooo quick when we finally get to. And with one or both of us being on call 24/7, makes it even more difficult. I just wish we could run away together.


oneoffour's picture

I know, where does the time go?
DH and I had 'quality' time last night. Don't get excited... He has a heart condition that was being stupid again. So he and I watched Food Network while we waited for lab work etc to get done in the ER.

It always seems like "run here, do this, gotta get it finished before...".

The only way to stop it is to say "Date, you and me, dinner at xyz's. Friday night. See you there at 8pm." And you have to stick to it. Nothing bar blood and fire and broken bones should stop it.

See, if you were dating you would make time for each other, right? But I know what you mean. It is sad when we have to make an absolute effort to be with the man of our dreams.

tofurkey's picture

Yeah it's frustrating to say the least. A few hours feels like a few minutes and a few minutes seems like a blink of an eye. We don't even really make plans because the work that we do is so randomly timed out. We can plan to go to dinner and a movie, but if an emergency call pops up while we are in the middle of a flick, we have to leave.