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too many gifts

tired and stressed's picture

My husband and I fight constantly about the amount of money he spends on the skids. SD19 told us she is going to Italy for a week for spring break, but I guess is able to get 2 credits for school. My husband had no idea about it until just recently. We were told that BM was giving her the trip as a xmas and bday gift. SD was given her full xmas gifts and then a few days before she leaves for school my husband is meeting her to pay for the other half of the trip. I did not say anything initially we had a trip. Today he tells me that SD19 had sent her bday list, one of which is an expensive purse. I ask if he thought the trip was enough of a present. He blew up. I tried to explain that I was just trying to talk with him, it became "I knew I shouldn't discuss my spending with matter how much money I spend on them, it's too much,...they don't have to live like we did as kids,..."
We do make enough for her to go, but the girl can't even be nice to him. He of course blames our marriage to why we don't have a relationship and their behavior.


oneoffour's picture

Really? He blames your marriage? I would be so relieving him of that 'burden'.
Let him try living alone for a while.
I hope you have separate accounts or you at the least have your own secret stash of cash.