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Wonder How AG83 Is Doing?

thinkthrice's picture

I say that as I am partially jealous and that she is going to be GONE83!!  The following is an homage to her:

This is day 2 that Chef is off the booze and I had a prolonged 20-minute discussion on the difference between accrual and cash basis accounting.  He was trying to tell me that I don't "get it" when going over an account with a supplier.

That is right Chef, I've been doing my own taxes for 42 years which often involved complicated tax return such a Schedule E and accounting for your business for 4 years.  Meanwhile you have never touched a piece of paperwork and although you are great at fixing, repairing and installing things, you are a high school dropout that never took accounting.  LOL

I took Accounting in college which I found dreadfully boring but whatever.  After he finally got what I was saying to him and got off his high horse it was like "oh, ok" after he was trying to tell me that I was confused and misinformed.  No "thanks for explaining that to me" or any sort of apology that he tried to make me look like a dunce when the opposite was true.  He did this to me the other day when I was on the phone with support to a third party vendor.  The third party vendor rep was completely astonished that Chef never said thank you  (to me) at the end of the conference call!!

Then Chef texted me for a customer's phone number which I had already given to him several times before.  After that it was a desperate call to find information in a repair manual that he had forgotten to take with him.  I told him to look it up online which he did because the repair manual is a nightmare.

Dear Lord!!!  AG83, I hope you are G83!!!


thinkthrice's picture

At work the doofus mr. Potato Head who gets paid 10 grand more than I do to do  nothing but excel spreadsheets and pivot tables, conflated two tickets that were completely on different subject matter causing confusion amongst our most Junior employee.  

Arrgh  Jan 29th can't come fast enough!!!

justmakingthebest's picture

I love my husband dearly but he and I have often said that we should never own a business together. We think so differently and even though I have been in accounting and running businesses my whole adult life, working with a spouse is just more than I want to deal with! Kind of like separation of Church and State- I need separation of Work and Home! LOL

DPW's picture

I run a business with my SO and I do not like it. We are very different people when it comes to organization, taking risks, etc... I'm also responsible for all paperwork and correcting his errors (LOL). Drives me insane that I can repeat myself for three years and he still does not do as he is supposed to. Grrrrr. 

ndc's picture

OMG, I can so relate! My DH is the WORST at paperwork. He is very good at his job (trades), but cannot pay a bill on time, fill out a piece of paperwork, file or find paper/records of any kind, etc., and has no financial sense whatsoever. When I met him he didn't even have ID documents (birth cert, SS cards, etc.) for himself or any of the kids, and didn't know passwords or user IDs for sites he needed to access (like the VA). I'm not the best at paperwork or organization, but I am light years ahead of DH.  But he says he'd like to have his own business. I just smile and shake my head. THAT will never happen.  I have enough to do just handling our personal finances and paperwork.  

Cover1W's picture

My ex wanted me to open a business with him. It was a good business idea but first, I don't wsnt to open my own business and second, his business model was that his job would be finding the location and then working with vendors. Apparently I would have been doing EVERYTHING else. I bought him a book about how to do it, quite good actually, but he never read it. Then he was pressuring me to do a refi on our house or get a loan co-signed. With no business plan! I outright refused. He was furious.

About a year later we divorced. He blamed me for the thing never happened, with no insight into his lack of responsibility.

So glad it never happened! I wouldn't ever be able to do it with that man. Shudder.

Merry's picture

The thought of explaining cash vs accrual to my DH is just hysterical.

Thanks for the laugh.

thinkthrice's picture

Another desperate request..

" what is our login to XYZ vendor that we haven't logged into for 4 years and never use?"


Dads_Wife's picture

I sign on here everyday looking to see her update. I think she is the most invested I've been into a total stranger. I hope she is finding some peace

BethAnne's picture

My husband really wants to run a buisness. He comes up with ideas every now and then (especially when our savings start to look healthy). These ideas are rarely thought through properly and almost never have any follow through. I go through some senarios with him and brainstorm a little and then suggest he should come up with a buisness plan before investing a large portion of our retirement fund into a buisness he has no experience running. I have yet to see anything close to a buisness plan.... 

thinkthrice's picture

Chef just up and quit his job and decided he wanted to have his own business right on the spot with no clientele of his own.  That was a month of fun.