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What MY MOTHER Would Have Done Had I Been Swinging Off of a Door Push Bar at the Library

thinkthrice's picture

First of all I wouldn't have DARED to do it, but had I been so emboldened:

1. Mother would have noticed in a PICOSECOND that I was blocking incoming/outgoing library traffic and that I was swinging off the push bar.

2. Mother would have ZOOMED over to my location in about another PICOSECOND

3. I would have received an open handed slap to the back of my head IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWED BY being pulled out of the way by one arm.

4. I would have been told to apologize to the adult(s) that were blocked by my rudeness.

5. A stern lecture would ensue about manners, politeness and not being selfish nor ruining other people's property

6. I would have been made to stand by my mother within arm's length of her QUIETLY with no backtalk for the rest of the library visit and henceforth.

NOW, do you THINK a bratty kid would have DARED to have done that again? Whereas this kid I saw in the library will go on to think he's the center of the universe yet another day.

There we have it folks. Proper parenting in six easy steps!!


thinkthrice's picture

My mother actually wouldn't take me to a library either. Too busy going to church when she wasn't having a nervous breakdown but at least she, my father and my paternal grandmother were in the business of teaching me right from wrong.

And I had one of those kiddie leashes/harnesses when we were in the "big cities" such as Toronto or Montreal.

thinkthrice's picture

It's good that she would actually be paying attention to the behaviour of her children. This woman with kid swinging from library door was not in the least doing a speck of parenting.

The western world has gone way TOO far with it's molly coddling and pampering of children. Time for the pendulum to swing back in the OTHER direction IMHO.