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Update: Found out where the Girhippo Migrated to

thinkthrice's picture

My predictions were correct.   She posted a photo of the back of their new house getting a new deck on FB which was instantly recognizable. 

It is in a post WW2 housing tract--aka cookie cutter one floor boxy little houses in Girhippoville.   Right on the same street, one block away from one of her Aunties (Battleaxe Gallactica's sister).  Directly around the corner from BG.

Downsized from 1600 sq ft to 1000 sq feet yet 4 bdrms?

Of course, the Gir ignored the CO's directive to update all parties with address changes (Chef is still paying CS for YSS19.5 despite the fact he is working full time)

She always viewed that particular piece of paper as a mere serving suggestion and violated it more times than a woodpecker drums in Spring.



dragonfly878's picture

Wouldn't he automatically stop paying child support at 18? My SS is only 14 so I'm not sure how that works after the age of 18...

thinkthrice's picture

It goes to 21 here.  He's been paying CS for the three ferals since YSS was a toddler.  Fortunately the older 2 aged out.

NY and MA are the worst states for fathers. 

Livingoutloud's picture

We have a small 1400 sq ft condo (not counting basement) and we have 3 bedrooms, two of which are small. No way no how you can fit 4 bedrooms into 1000 sq ft. Unless perhaps they have only one bathroom? No dining room? Tiny living room?

And why are they downsizing? Are they in a retirement age? Weird. 

thinkthrice's picture

But they are sellimg the RV they inherited from the Gir's grandma on her father's side!.  Looks like only one bathroom.  Rooms are tiny.

Maxwell09's picture

BM always waits until she is picking up SS for the weekend to tell DH that she lives somewhere else or that she is going out of town. I think she thinks it bothers us. We couldn't care less. Besides when the time comes for us to get the hell out of dodge (when SS turns 18 or decides to live with BM permanently) we fully plan on ghosting her. 

bananaseedo's picture

Could be financial reasons to downgrade, who knows. Everyone is hurting now. 

 I wouldn't honestly expect her to notify change of address...that's most likely there for when thre is visitation or if he mails the check, if it's autodraft/transfer honestly what is the reason for her to notify of the address change?   They have zero relationship at all.  It's kind of a petty complaint given the reality of chef and his kids.  

I know you wil all be relieved when it finally ends though for sure.