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O/T Summertime and feet

thinkthrice's picture

Last year about this time I was wearing sneakers and I was clearing some weeds in my mini Orchard when a piece of what I thought was dried reed jumped up and stuck in my ankle.  Literally there for almost 4 months before I became completely frustrated and pulled a three-quarter inch long thorn out of my ankle.

This was after visiting the doctor who did not want to pull it out.  Two weekends ago another piece of shrapnel jumped up and bit me this time on the bottom of my foot I was wearing regular sandals and somehow this piece of foreign material wedged itself between my sandal and my foot getting caught right between my big toe and second toe making it uncomfortable to say the least to walk on.  It started to bleed and I felt it immediately so I hobbled down the driveway and cleaned the wound.

I am now soaking it like crazy as per doctor's instructions and (not)  missing work on this fine summer day.  Again the doctor did not want to confirm that there was something stuck in my foot which I know there is and did not want to take it out.  I will have to rely on Chef's surgical skills to pull it out later this afternoon.  

Funny thing was I had him look at it yesterday before soaking and he immediately try to squeeze it out without warning me so I practically kicked him in the face from the pain and overturned the beer he was drinking...he wasn't too happy!


--figureditout--'s picture

My feet are also a magnet for pointy ouchy things. My DH has a hobby that requires him to occasionally strip wires, so I make sure to wear some kind of shoe 99 percent of the time.

An acquaintance of mine stepped on a toothpick in her college days. The doctor said there was nothing in the wound. She hobbled around for years before finding a doctor who believed her and had the toothpick surgically removed.

I hope whatever it is that is in your foot works it's way out soon.

thinkthrice's picture

I have been soaking my foot in my little pedicure tub all afternoon... took a pair of Italian needle-nose tweezers and got most of the shrapnel out which appears to be lots of thorns so far

24 years as a SM's picture

I use Goldenseal powder and Aloe Vera as a drawing salve.