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O/T Speaking of Annoying Airline Passengers. . .

thinkthrice's picture

The elderly couple in front of us on the same flight as "Junior" and his cretinous parents were mooching and freeloading at the snack cart.

What a bunch of cheapos! The woman asked for FOUR additional granola bars to give to her grandkids!!



thinkthrice's picture

She would have to, wouldn't she? She wouldn't be in charge of the cart. Sometimes I wonder in your ever vigilant quest to be au contraire, your responses seem rather foolish at times.

StepX2's picture

My guess is if these were the ones who had their seat kicked repeatedly, the air crew was probably okay with giving them whatever they wanted.

ESMOD's picture

I always like when they are willing to slip you an extra I don't ask though. I figure they probably have a semi-limited quantity.

It does remind me of a dinner cruise we took one time with a family friend and his son.

It was one of those deals where there was a buffet line but they called you by table and served you as you went through the line.

After all the tables had been through, our friend's boy wanted some more green beans. There were more green beans on the buffet but they told him he couldn't have any.

I was wondering what the heck they were going to do with this food! Serve it again? Hope not.

Wifeypoo's picture

I hate flying with a passion. Being so close to random people can be flat out nasty.
One time years ago we we were flying to Hawaii, and it was the middle of the night. Most people were trying to sleep. There was a guy in front of us who kept farting loudly, and they stunk really bad. Finally my husband couldn't take it anymore and he woke the guy up and told him to go to the bathroom! :jawdrop: I was absolutely mortified but that's my DH. He has no shame speaking up.

Thumper's picture

Heavenlike that was not nice to say.

OP does have a valid point--lets face it some people have guts / GUTS not in a good way either.
The snacks given to passengers are complimentary. Who in their right mind would ask for complimentary snacks for Grandkids not on the flight to begin with..takes a lot of nerve

It does effect all of us who fly. Flight attendant should have said they are for customers on the flight but I will give you 1 extra if you would like.

WOWZA I would have wrote about it too if I saw that on a flight.

zerostepdrama's picture


Rags's picture

A good friend of mine and his wife are strong believers in Gripe Water. The REAL stuff is not available in the US, it at least used to be available in Canada. A few weeks before the due date for any of their spawn he would make a day trip across the US/Canada border and buy a case.

The REAL stuff is a mix of herbs, minerals, and a notable % of Whiskey.

Apparently the cross border market for the stuff motivated some companies in the US to market a non booze version.

My friends tried a couple of the US versions and stuck with their cross border runs. When their kids were in melt down mode.... a little bit in a small bottle and they were out cold and snoring away with a slight grin on their faces.