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O/T The Pizza Wars

thinkthrice's picture

Chef and I don't eat out much.  We have high-end kitchen appliances that we use extensively.  As regards Pizza we make our own...we have a pizza stone and a convection oven.

Chef has been making pizzas and each time it sticks to the peel and makes a huge mess in the oven.  I have told him over and over that he needs to use either parchment paper or semolina flour.

Do you think you would listen to me?  HELL No!!   he had a literal tantrum with the aluminum peel because he felt it was causing the sticking and insisted that we get a wooden one STAT!!  Well the same thing of course happened with the wooden one.    Then it was the dough temperature which I told him needs to be chilled and "seasoned" for a few hours in the frig.  And then it was the size of the pizza; he usually makes gigantic ones in which I cannot really eat because of my diet.

He has finally come to the conclusion that he needs to use semolina flour to keep the pizza from sticking which we have an abundance of.   He actually came out and said "you were right" which is in itself shocking!!

What is it with men that never listen to their women and even more so in Chef's case because I am 8 years older than him??!!



thinkthrice's picture

semolina is a refined, fine milled corn meal

notasm3's picture

My DH was part owner in a pizza place (decades ago).  He always uses cornmeal And never has any sticking issues.