O/T Pet Blog--Last Night My Younger Cat Had a TICK on him!!!
So Chef discovered that there was an engorged TICK on my younger fur baby's neck!!! I'm sure there was a good way to remove it. I've heard alcohol, Vaseline, etc. etc.
So I heated up a pair of tweezers and removed the tick. I should have kept the tick for examination, however I was so disgusted, I tossed it into the fireplace.
My younger cat likes to prowl around outside but is mostly an indoor cat. We live right next to a woodland/swamp area. I had shampooed both cats last weekend because they had gotten into some filth outside. My older cat does go out but she stays very close to the house and never wanders beyond 10' or so.
I didn't think about reapplying their flea/tick spot meds after shampooing.
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My dogs come in with ticks
My dogs come in with ticks constantly
they're on preventative for it, but apparently it doesn't work very well. Our property is heavily wooded though.
Wow, 1995 is when i
Wow, 1995 is when i contracted Lyme disease.
I never had to worry about my fur-babies because I had always kept them inside...but they were kitties.
Ew, ticks give me the hibbie gibbies.
I went to the Dr. after about
I went to the Dr. after about 2 weeks of not feeling well and the Western Blot and Elisa tests both came back positive. He put me on 2 weeks of Doxycycline but apparently it wasn't soon enough or for long enough.
Every now and then I feel like I have the flu, but without a fever and some other symptoms...just very fatigued, weak and achy. It only lasts about 2 days so I'm probably lucky things aren't worse.
Trice - see if you can get
Trice - see if you can get brewers yeast tablets in the health isle....
feed that to the cat, it does no harm it simply keeps fleas, ticks and other pests away
My BS6!!! had a tick on him a
My BS6!!! had a tick on him a month or so ago and it was embedded. He flipped out.. I flipped out inside (but tried to stay calm for him on the outside) DH tried to remove it with tweezers, but didn't get it all so I took BS to the Dr. to be safe. They took the rest out and put him on antibiotics for 3 weeks. He seems to be fine but GAH! Now I check him every day!! Stupid things!
The Dr. had some tick remover thing that looks kind of like a guitar pick. He said you can get them at Field and Stream and places like that. He said NOT to do the lotion/Vaseline thing that I have heard to do to smother them, because sometimes it can make them burrow in even farther.
lyme is no fun. i grew up in
lyme is no fun. i grew up in the highest concentrated area for that, and we were in the woods all the time. and always had pets. a "tick check" was standard operating procedure for entering the house.
i lost count after 30 the number of times i had to have embedded ones removed from my skin. i got lyme only twice, amazingly enough. yeah, ONLY twice. *shudders*