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My DIL is GREAT!!!

thinkthrice's picture

It was just the four of us for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Evening.  Awesomeson, DIL, myself and Chef.  Chef had to work both days (one of those days on the rental property to get the heat downstairs up and running).  

Awesomeson will be headed out on assignment with the AF out of the country (tropical place) the first week of January through July.  DIL bought me this lovely lap throw fleece that basically thanked me for raising a son like Awesomeson!   I'm sure this stuck in the craw of Chef as he is always saying that HE was the one responsible for Awesomeson turning out the way he did despite the fact that he probably had a total of 4 hours of contact with Awesomeson Sept-Dec of 2011!!!  At the time, Awesomeson was working B shift  in an electronics factory and it was Awesomeson's idea to join the military (and not Chef's idea as he likes to delude himself into thinking). 

He had little to no contact with Chef during that time, paid for his own food, never left a mess, tip toed around quietly when coming in from work, always asked permission before doing anything.  Just the way I raised him...and his older be polite (unlike Chef's ferals). 

DIL has often done this; given me gifts with "thanks for raising my wonderful husband" which probably boils Chef's blood as he remained silent during the gift distribution.  Like a big kid Chef tried to grab gifts when it wasn't his turn.   Later, Chef tried to monopolize all conversations at dinner, stuck his fork into the horseradish cream dish that was for everyone (Awesomeson caught me rolling my eyes and he giggled; DIL didn't see it). 

On the bright side, this marks ten years of not hearing a PEEP from the Houseshitter and eleven years for the Animal Torturer and Pumpkinhead so I'm counting my blessings.  Looks like the Houseshitter is spending his two weeks off from school taking selfies with his tongue sticking out  (eyeroll).  Chef should be proud!!! 


Simpleton21's picture

Ha, I love that your DIL buys you thoughtful gifts and thanks you for raising a real man.  That must have been difficult without an actual real man role model around Wink