Poll: How many of us SMs are pregnant now?
I love that I belong to this group of very specail people on this site. I was just wondering how many other people are expecting? And how far along are you?
- Thetis's blog
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I am 7 weeks as far as me
I am 7 weeks as far as me and my doctor know.
Boy, girl or surprise?
Boy, girl or surprise?
Ahhhh.... Boys are the
Ahhhh.... Boys are the BEST!!!!!!
Yay thats what I'm hoping
Yay thats what I'm hoping for! We already have a princess and a queen soo we need a prince!
I'm 18 weeks now, I can't
I'm 18 weeks now, I can't wait to find out if I'm having a boy or a girl!
Yay! Is it true that morning
Yay! Is it true that morning sickness and the never ending fatigue ends at about the 12 week range?
I hope it does for you.... I
I hope it does for you.... I threw up EVERY.SINGLE.DAY for the entire 9 months. I even threw up in labor and delivery. All I could think was OMG LET ME PUSH THIS DAMN BABY OUT SO I CAN QUIT F'ING PUKING!!!!
I was miserable.
Thanks for the light at the
Thanks for the light at the end of the tunnel! lol I have been pretty much bed ridden since I returned home after finding out I was pregnant. It doesn't help with SD but I will not lose this baby.... or have to clean my own puke up off the floor!
Oh hang in there sister!! I
Oh hang in there sister!! I was soooooooooo sick. I would get up in the middle of the night just to puke! LOL! EH fixed a nightlight and a little chair by the toilet for me and we had a cow bell in there so I could ring it for him to come help me if I needed him! LOL!! I will say one thing about EH, he was a hell of a good nurse when I was sick! But yes... just remember... IT WILL BE OVER SOON AND IT WILL BE WORTH IT! I said that every day for months!
You can do it!
Congratulations Thetis!!
Congratulations Thetis!!
I'm 6 months along. Due early March. Thankfully, my queasiness subsided around 14-15 weeks. Whew! That wasn't fun. We're expecting bouncing baby boy #2 and that's exactly what we wanted. We're so excited. You have to let us know when you find out the sex.
Naw I'm having a surprise!
Naw I'm having a surprise! (That I will refer to as him/he as an acting of willing things that way lol)
We're having a surprise
We're having a surprise also...we refer to him/her simply as "baby"
We are trying for our 2nd
We are trying for our 2nd now, and I am pretty sure I am but will find out next week
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
Ohhh good luck!!!! I spent a
Ohhh good luck!!!! I spent a year trying! I was soo upset when ever I got my period. I hope this is it for you!!
Ditto on the good luck! I
Ditto on the good luck!
I remember thinking every time I saw a woman with a pregnant belly "man I can't wait to have one!!"
Thanks ladies! I am usually
Thanks ladies! I am usually pregnant within 3 weeks of going off the pill! LOL fertile myrtle
It will be OUR 2nd, but my 3rd
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"
Congrats Thetis! I have just
Congrats Thetis!
I have just about one more month to go!

Threw up for about the first 5 months...
Having a surprise baby so as to avoid the pink/blue cliche as much as possible! There are sooooo many other pretty colors out there! Hehehe....
I'm 17 weeks today!! It's
I'm 17 weeks today!! It's the most amazing experience of my life!
because we're not going to
because we're not going to find out the sex, we are sticking to the greens, yellows and tans. We walked through the baby section the other day and I thought the little monkey outfits were toooo cute!
Its sooo weird to think
Its sooo weird to think about a color scheme for a kid I haven't met yet! lol I'm thinking teddy bears. Like a light yellow or cream color that can be accented either pink or blue afterwards. But I'm not going to have my new home for another 6 or 7 months soo....
It is weird!! I go through
It is weird!! I go through moments of thinking the whole thing is weird...I mean there's a brand new life, a living baby inside there- and it can hear us and move around and it moves if you poke it! hehe : ) The whole thing it pretty cool too!
*giggles* That's quite
*giggles* That's quite funny, I can totally picture that!! I have just begun to feel our baby moving in there (only 17 wks) but I look forward to the coming days of poke, kick
I do a lot of reading about what baby is doing this week and find it all sooo fascinating! I couldn't believe how much I talked to baby the week I found out he or she could actually hear me! And now that (even though I can't feel it all the time) the idea of it moving when I poke it absolutely amazes me!!!
Awwwwww! Listening to you
Awwwwww! Listening to you ladies talk just makes me feel so happy all over for you!!!!! Makes me thankful it's you and not me too! haha! But oh there is just nothing better than a sweet newborn baby!!!!
Congrats to all of you!!!
I'm pregnant with #2. It's
I'm pregnant with #2. It's a boy. Hubby always wanted a boy. Happy that I'm able to have a boy with my hubby....and BM didn't. But I'm just happy that we're TOGETHER and wanted/planned both of our children (girl and boy). Oh well, stupid BM. Sad but true, DH is more of a dad to our child than to SD. BM kept her away for many years. She's now 13. I'm not complaining although I sound like a b!tch, but whatever