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Long Vent.

TheOtherMom's picture

Alright. Venting is helpful.
I registered SS11 for 6th grade today. Everything was fine until I went to the ID Card area. He needs his ID to ride the bus.
I explained that SS11 is not with me and is "away" for the summer (I hate explaining the custody agreement to admin. I just give up the POA and let them figure out the rest.)
The nice ID Card lady asked if I could bring him in before school starts next week because it will be hectic next week.
I text BM (this has been the first time I text her in a VERY long time) as DH is away for work.
I asked "BM, this is TheOtherMom. When will the boys be arriving on Friday please?"
He reply "No clue. That's between DH and I."
I replied "I understand this but I need to get SS11 to school for his ID Card and would like to be able to coordinate with the ID Card office."
Her response "Why are YOU registering him for school? Why isn't DH? You have no right to MY kids!"
I remained calm and then called her. "Hell BM. It is rather juvenile for us to discuss this on text messages. Frankly I don't have the time nor the patience to spell all minute details of parenting out for you but here we go. First off, DH is away for work. Secondly, it is illegal for children to NOT attend school and as you have them, in accordance with the custody agreement, until two days prior to school starting, it is only logical that I would register SS11, don't you think? And finally, all I would like to know is simply, WHEN are they returning please as I will most likely have to pick them up from the airport."
She abruptly said "Fine. But I haven't scheduled their return flight yet."
I promptly said goodbye and hung up the phone. I called DH and asked if she was just being a pill and he said "No. I already nagged her about this and she said she doesn't have the money. I will be buying the tickets tomorrow when I am done with work."

The custody agreement states that she has to pay the tickets etc. It has never been an issue in the past.
Why is it now?

Because she spent every last dime she had saved to counter sue my husband because he is asking for full custody.
She wants it too AND child support.
And now, DH is going all the way. Full custody, child support, bring the children back a month early, etc.

Most people would say the custody agreement before wasn't worth messing around with because BM had quite a lot of visitation. DH wants full custody so he doesn't have the drama of BM when it comes time to deploy, go overseas for any reason, or any travel out of country with them (that's an old blog under a different name. She refused to sign off on SS11's passport so DH couldn't take them on a Disney Cruise.)

I just had to get this off my chest.
We have a solution.
I am just fed up with this woman!
How am I supposed to get over my anger when, on the very few occasions I speak to her, she is rude?


Stick's picture

TheOtherMom - All I can suggest to you is that you can get over your anger by knowing - truly knowing - that you aren't doing anything wrong. It's her problem. Her issue. Her anger to deal with and let eat her up. Her immaturity.

I know it can be frustrating, but she's rude because she knows deep down in her heart of hearts that you are doing the job she SHOULD be doing, and you are doing the job that she always thought she would be doing. Her anger - which shows itself as rudeness to you - is more her insecurity showing.

And when someone is insecure toward you... well, you can be angry with them. Or, you can just realize that it's not your problem anymore and there's NOTHING you can do or be that would make her less insecure or nicer to you. She would be rude to you no matter who you are, so it's not personal.

Does that make sense?