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Gay Vegetarian?

TheOtherMom's picture

Sorry, I have one more thing to blog today. It's about sexuality and when it develops.

SS9 is very sensitive to animals and feelings which is the total opposite to how he was this time last year. Now, he grosses out when he sees those little whole chickens at the grocery store because he can tell it is a whole chicken and he gave me a huge guilt trip about farms and how they house chickens etc.

It's my fault because I watched a PETA video about it once - trying to become vegetarian and failing horribly - and he saw it over my shoulder. I told him he didn't want to watch it but I think he was curious. Anyway, I screwed him up because he wouldn't eat chicken forever after that.

Anyway, DH is afraid that his son will be a homosexual as he is so sensitive and all the "vegetarian guys" he knows or has heard of are homosexual. I told him it shouldn't matter but men can be so stupid and immature.

Is there any relevance to his concerns?


herewegoagain's picture

Ignorance? Homophobic? Yes, that about sums it up...I'd rather have a gay vegeterian son anyday, than a high school druggie, preggo, loser...

TheOtherMom's picture

OMG! The images that created.
Shall have to address this to him of course and put it in perspective.

Silver's picture

Seems as though DH is of the school of thought that a straight man is super manly and tough. Guys are so weird sometimes... I've met more than one guy that thought the same way as your DH. If you ask me, the world could do with more compassionate people like SS.

"I have always loved the time before dawn because there is no one around to remind me who I am suppose to be, so it is easier to remember who I am." - unknown

redheaded_stepmom's picture

My son is extremely sensitive. He is not a rough and tumble boy like the sons of most of my friends. He has his moments, but for the most part he is extremely gentle and kind. SO worries about how sensitive our son is, and I tell him that we should not make a big deal out of it. Our son is the way God intended him to be and we will embrace that and nurture that, no matter what. For now, I am thankful that I have such sweet little angel, and I will deal with any issues that may arise from that later as they come up. As for the vegetarian men being gay...what a crock! People are vegetarians because that is a lifestyle choice they choose for themselves, not because they prefer the intimate company of someone of the same sex. This may very well be a phase SS is going through, but if not there is nothing wrong with it as long as you and DH are helping him make informed decisions about his choices. Making SS think there is something wrong with how he is will only cause damage down the road.

And I agree with more videos...yikes!

May those that love us, love us.
And those that don't love us,
May God turn their hearts.
And if He doesn't turn their hearts,
May He turn their ankles
So we will know them by their limping.
~Irish Blessing

stepmom008's picture

I wouldn't worry about it. My cousin's son likes to pick out my cousin's bag and shoes when she gets dressed and always tells her how beautiful she looks. She and my aunt call him Carson (from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy). LOL

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

TheOtherMom's picture

Hey hey hey! It's okay if I CALL HIM STUPID but not you lady. That's a little over the top.
I get the point.