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Depressing post so skip if you are feeling happy

TheAccidentalSM's picture

There have been a few blogs recently about sexual assault. Dtzy's SIL springs to mind and another post about a skid taking a younger nieghbourhood child into the woods.

Here's my take on assault.

About two years ago, YSS told BM that OSS assulted/raped him 9/10 years ago. There are no exact dates but they were probably about 8/9 and 12/13 at the time of the alleged incident.

The world exploded.

BM went to YSS GP for help. Her take was that he was lying and needed psyciatric help because she thinks he is a narcissist or psycopath. (She took an online test on his behalf and it agreed with her. There are so many things wrong with her thinking on this that I can only laugh semi hysterically) The GP got social services involved who decided that the two boys couldn't live in the same house as they were a danger to each other. YSS wanted to hurt OSS in revenge for the earlier incident.

So low and behold, YSS moved in with us the next day. Unlike BM we said we supported him. He was depressed and clearly mentally unwell. We had to get him professional help urgently to work through his issues. The Senior Clinical Psychiatrist didn't reach the same diagnosis as BM's online tool. SURPRISE! He said YSS was perfectly sane just very upset.

After a number of months YSS seemed calmer and more stable. Then YSS then went to the police. He was 18 so we had discussed options with him and said it was up to him to decide how he wanted to proceed. They opened up an investigation and formally questioned BM, OSS, MSS and BM's ex who she was married to at the time of the alligation. After 6 months the police finally had to tell YSS that they couldn't proceed with the case as there was no evidence to support his claims.

The next night at about 2am he took a 3 month supply of epilepsy medication at once and sent his friends and DH a text to say goodbye.

Luckily, his medication isn't lethal even in large doses.

He's back with the psychiatrist and does ok (Alright, he can't hold on to a job, is a mess but at least is polite).

Anyway the point of all this is that sexual assult is serious and can have long term effects on people mentally. If you know about it or suspect something report it.


TheAccidentalSM's picture

It is tragic. And might explain why I'm nervous about "launching" him.

His mother is the narcisist. When he was in psych evalution at hospital after the suicide attempt, she was pushing so hard for the Drs to find something mentally wrong with him and lock him up. She was pissed when they said it was just depression due to the allegation and failed investigation. Why? Because this meant that she wasn't a perfect parent and that she had allowed this to happen. She would prefer that her son be diagnosed as schizophrenic or sociopath or psycopath then be depressed due to abuse. WRONG on SO many levels.

Your SIL is also a complete loony tune and obiviously living in a world where denial is a river in Eygpt.

Until 2 years ago I lived a life with normal people with normal little problems. Why did all of the crazies start crawling out of the wood work?

BethAnne's picture

I often say it on here, because it is important to remember, that pretty much our only legal responsibility as step parents is to report if step kids are suffering any kind of abuse.

I hope that your step son is able to get past the failed investigation and live his life to the full. I'm glad that he has you and your husband supporting him.