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MIL and BM....

tankh21's picture

MIL is starting drama once again and of course DH is oblivious to it.  MIL told DH that she was planning on coming to visit sometime in October.  I asked DH the other day did he know when exactly she was coming because I am trying to plan a weekend camping trip.  I told DH when we were planning on going and everything is fine over the weekend.  Then of the sudden today DH tells me to call him so I do and he tells me that MIL still doesn't know when she is coming but if it's at the end of October when we are going on our trip that MIL and the skids will be coming as well.  I made sure that it wasn't a skid weekend so I could relax and DH and I could spend some alone time together. 

At at point I just told DH to forget the whole trip and that I was going to just cancel it.  Then he says once again I don't like his kids or MIL.  I know that nothing is going to change so I either have to decide do I want to continue to live like this or am I going to leave.  I feel like I always have to take a back seat to the skids.  I know that I will no longer plan trips with DH because he will always want to include his kids.  BM will gladly give up the skids for a weekend because she kisses MIL's a**!  DH also told me today that MIL is going to ask BM if can he claim one of the skid's on our income taxes. 

MIL sticks her nose where it doesn't belong.  The CO states that BM can claim both to the skid's on her income taxes.  I know I shouldn't care what MIL and BM do or what they talk about but I cannot help but think if BM lets DH do that then there will be consequences.  Like she will think that she can do whatever she wants and throw it in DH's face later that she let him claim the skid on our incomes taxes.  BM doesn't do things out of the kindness of her heart she only does things to benefit her!


Maxwell09's picture

I doubt your DH is oblivious, I think he just doesn’t understand what’s wrong with bringing his kids along or getting to claim a kid on taxes. It sounds appealing...unless you’re the stepmom who is getting shafted (or stepmom who’s been down this road as well and sees it for what it is) He will never understand that you do not, can not love his kids as blindly as he does. It’s unnatural for us to just obsessively love a random child as much as a bio parent loved their children. Stop waisting your time Sis, take an extended camping trip to Oz and lose his number. 

tog redux's picture

This is how I picture SS18 being with his wife some day. He's such a Mama's Boy and he can't ever tell when BM is manipulating him. He'll just go along with every thing she says, and some day, some poor sap who marries him is going to be in your shoes. She's going to be annoyed that he invited his mommy on the planned camping trip that was supposed to be JUST WITH HER, and he's going to blink his eyes and wonder how anyone could hate his mommy so much. Then he's going to play the victim and blame his poor trapped wife for being mean to him.  Yes, this is what happens when you never separate from your mother emotionally.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Why dont you go camping, and leave your SO to handle his visitors?

You don't have to put your wants and needs on hold for this crap. Just invite a friend or two and go without him.

twoviewpoints's picture

Didn't you just have MIL and her BF as visiting guest? 

Is she coming again just to tell you that you don't love her grandchild unconditionally  once more and spoil another of what might have been a pleasant weekend....or does she have a new trick up her sleeve? 


tankh21's picture

Yes, they came in August but she said that she was planning on coming this month as well which is BS.  She is coming to visit DH and the skids again so she says!!