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Still alive & kicking

sweetthing's picture

Hey ladies, I am still alive & kicking. I am just way busy at work these days. We are closing out the business that I have worked on for 7 years and starting a new venture. They are also a lot stricter about screwing around on the internet. The kids are great, their mom is still a controlling pain in the butt at times and I have things I would love to share but just never have the time to do so. Dh & I are doing pretty well, both are super busy with work. BS3 is growing up so fast it, and is such a joy for us.

The big boys are doing great in school SS13 just had his big b day party we did this month & it was a lot of fun. He is such a great kid, he shared with me that it bothers him that his mom has a hard time sharing them with their dad any more than she has too, poor kid. I told him even parents aren't perfect & don't have all the answers & can be pains in the butts at times. I shared that I had just had to have a talk with Gramps to see if he had started drinking again so even at my age it isn't easy all the time.

I hope you are all doing well, I do check in to read from time to time to see how people I care about are doing.



Colorado Girl's picture

Yay, sweetthing.
