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Why Can't They Just Skype With DH ????

Sweetnothings's picture

Why can't my skids just Skype with my DH and be done with it ?? These ADULT skids are NOT working , one is not doing anything the other is just staying in education, like forever..... I really believe she will be like nearly 30 before she is working full time, at this rate.....

They both have ALL the equipment needed, of course, laptops, etc, AND already spend hours on the Internet, FakeBooking, Twerping, Mumbling, etc.... So no big chore giving dear ol' Dad say ten minutes of your time, once a month for a quick hello !! He would get to see them, wouldn't feel soooo guilty for being sooo far away ( forgive us for actually HAVING a life, BEYOND ADULT SKIDS !! How rude !!!)

All, this talk of flying them out and spending thousands on these trips for ADULTS who wouldn't even spend some spare change on a cheapo card for him, makes my blood boil......

I have argued the Skype arguement, or something similar, for like years, but DH doesn't want to push it. Hell, maybe what I've been suggesting is crazy...... Why Skype with DH skids, when you'd rather talk to crazee strangers on it, or in sd21's case, skype sex with the sap bf at the time AND post the pictures of it !!!

My skids really can't be bothered, and DH definately DOESN'T want to hear that, who would ?? Plus, I know they much prefer him this way, being guilty and ready to jump through a hoop or two for them...... And I think MY DH also feeds of the situation, too, his ickle babies need him, guilty Dad turns into super Dad......

When did it stop being enough for these parents, to be proud to have raised healthy, polite, hard working young Adults with prospects! Out there in the World doing it ?? Rather than these awful skids, who keep their hands stretched out, don't work and wait for everything to fall into their entitled laps ??? Makes my skin crawl sometimes......


Sweetnothings's picture

My DH although, he doesn't say it, would like to be able to chat to them more regularly, and skyping with them would not lead to more handouts, believe me.... We had a big coming to Jaysus meeting about that nearly two years ago, and he cut back.....

I would hope it would HELP my DH not to feel so damn guilty ( his marriage, was over when the skids were tiny, sd21 a mistake, and even DH said if she hadn't been concieved within the first 3 months of the relationship with BM, he would have run for the hills !!) and not sound like a broken record with the same lame excuses, and his trump one of well HE is thousands of miles away and never gets to see them now !!! And keep talking of having them come and stay ( I'm quite happy for him to go visit them AND this would be MUCH cheaper for us !) and for a couple of weeks play the Brady Bunch.

Another reason for the Skype, is that you never know sd21 MIGHT not lie her a$$ off to him if it's a face to face convo like she does in her rare memails she sends him.......

Do any other SMs out there have ADULT skids who Skype with the DH at all ???

DeeDeeTX's picture

They don't Skype with him because they don't want to. My teenage skids could easily Skype with dad but they have no desire to.

Sweetnothings's picture

Agree with you on that DeeDee! Mine are ADULTS now, and maybe it's just plain loco of me, for expecting some sane Adult behaviour from them. Sd21 likes to control the relationship she has with DH. She rarely answers her phone when he rings, sends very short memails, no cards for ANY celebration ( but expects it ALL for her !!) etc, etc, and now the younger skid seems to be going down the same path.....