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Rant ......

Sweetnothings's picture

I am so pissed off with DH.

He has in so many words said that he still thinks I can " fix " things with the Adult skids...... Wow !!

Once again he has been acting all skid squirrel-ly recently, and because he is so transparent and easy to read I know there is something going on.

Younger skid stb20 unemployed, school drop out , still living with BM ( very rocky, I have posted about it before) recently fined, which DH paid up for, has been trying to get money out of DH. Adult skid needs a new phone, DH said he might be able get him a cheap basic one if it helps him to get interviews or find work ( oh please,don't EVEN get me started on THAT !!) So really, it was a case of DH will buy the cheap phone and send it to him, NOT going to pay for calls, etc on it. Skid thinks about it and comes back saying, no it's alright I will use an old one I found that works. DH said he knows this happened because he didn't send just the money, as skid really wanted that.

Now, if I was engaged enough to care, this would have been enough to piss me off perhaps, but, no, it's the email convos going on with the BM recently. I have access to the account and Dh knows I pop in to check sometimes, it's a general account. Suddenly BM comes out of the woodwork,after CS ENDS !!! WTF ???

DH said to me and has done over the years he can't stand her and that when CS ended he would NEVER contact her again.....hmmmmmm......

My concern is that he didn't tell me about this, the convos with the ex ( in an emergency I could understand it, but this hasn't been like that....)

I called him out on this.....this disrespect to me in our marriage, how would he feel if I was emailing the ex ??
He said he would hate it, and be angry and upset if I had.....yet it's okay for him to do it ???

Hell No !!!

Rant over, grrrrrr !!!


DaizyDuke's picture

So what was he talking to her about? The weather? You said no emergency or anything, so what?

I'd be pissed too.

Sweetnothings's picture

Not a skid emergency as in skid in a terrible accident, but BM was asking DH have you talked to skid recently, then went into several paragraphs about how bad things are at her house with skid. Well, BM, what did you expect to happen when the CS stopped ??? Your shopping and shoe money, would still miraculously fall down from the sky ?? Stupid !!

The funny thing is BM never EVER shared this kind of info before CS stopped with DH, he was always kept way out of the picture ( information wise that is, he always paid CS and had Skids every weekend )

Apart from the email tennis going on between them, DH did feel ABLE to tell BM about what skid was asking for ( money !!) just not his own wife !!

So I'm pissed off .......

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

When my DH's CS ended YSD called up crying and said, "GREAT DAD! Now mom is going to lose our house and it's all your fault!" OMG.

Sheesh the idiocy of Skids and SOME BM'S. Note I said some, not all Bm's are idiots. LOL