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That sick feeling while you wait

Sweet T's picture

So I sent this yesterday to my ex and his wife just in case he tries to screw me on the driving. Normally we each pick up and per his request we reversed it. I also want it to be clear that new years eve is my holiday this year after his comment about it being a holiday and not returning him until Monday new years day.

No response yet...My stomach hurts. You think I would be immune by now.

Ass and sm
I just wanted to make sure we are all on the same page with the upcoming holidays since we have made some modifications to the normal decree schedule below.
For Christmas Eve I will drop bs10 off and his gifts for you guys and his brothers at your house late morning on Saturday the 23rd and you will bring him back to my home after Christmas eve services on the 24th ,so that you may attend the entire service and not have to leave early. Since he is not much into pants these days he does have dressier darker jeans and I will make sure he brings a nicer shirt and dress shoes with for church services so he isn’t dressed like a football coach.
December 27th I will drop bs10 off in the evening most likely after dinner at your house for a long weekend. I am not sure exactly what we are doing that day but are hoping to do something fun since we are all off. Will you be able to bring him home on Sunday the 31st by 5pm or do I need to drive to assville again to get him? Please let me know so I can plan accordingly. If he needs to bring anything special with other than enough clothing for 4 days snow gear, a book ect…. Let me know and I will make sure he brings it.



Aniki-Moderator's picture

I would shorten it a bit (that's just me...) because most men don't read more than a couple of lines.

Christmas Eve: I will drop bs10 off at your house late morning on Saturday the 23rd and you will bring him back to my home after Christmas eve services on the 24th. He will have dressier darker jeans, a nice shirt and dress shoes with for church services.

December 27th: I will drop bs10 off in the evening at your house after dinner for a long weekend.

Will you be able to bring him home on Sunday the 31st by 5pm or do I need to come and get him?

Please let me know so I can plan accordingly. If he needs to bring anything special with other than enough clothing for 4 days snow gear, a book ect…. Let me know and I will make sure he brings it.

zerostepdrama's picture


Sweet T's picture

I already sent it, he is known for the diatribes so I am hoping he does read it or at least his wife does.

I just hate when I need to confirm he is doing something and he won't answer...of course he knows this about me so I am sure thast is why.

secret's picture

I'd have just sent:

To ex and wife:

As per the changes to the decree we made, I want to confirm the following with you:

December 23:
I'll drop off bs10 to you by noon with his gifts for you guys

December 24:
You drop bs10 off to me after service

December 27:
I'll drop off bs10 to you sometime between 6 and 7pm

December 31:
You drop off bs10 to me by 5pm

Let me know if there's anything specific you need bs10 to bring for his visit December 27-31.


I'd have left everything else out of it. There's a lot of information in there, and my perception is that it comes off a little passive aggressive....maybe it's just my perception.

DPW's picture

Your email sounded very accommodating, in my opinion. Hopefully your ex sees it the same way and responds in kind. Good luck!

DaizyDuke's picture

So the only question you need answered really is the one pertaining to December 31st plans? That is almost 3 weeks away. Your Ex probably doesn't even know what he is doing.. I know I don't. I received a Facebook invite for a party that night over a week ago and have ignored it to this point, because that is too far away for me to be committing to anything.

I get it, trust me, I am a planner and very OCD about having things in place, but I live with the most fly by the seat of your pants husband on the planet. So I have learned to tone my need for all things planned and set in stone down and it has made me a bit more chill.

Don't sweat it, if you don't hear from him by Christmas Eve, just ask him again when you drop BS off.

Sweet T's picture

We had hashed it all out I thought when I agreed to drop off in return for him bringing bs home, but once again he did not pay attention to the holiday schedule and made a flip reply that he would not return bs on that Sunday. I just want it resolved before I do him a favor and he renigs on what he said he would do.