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Awesome update: I am moving!!!

Sweet T's picture

I am coming up on my 1 year anniversary of the incident that put the final nail in the coffin of my marriage. Life is awesome!!!

So the lease on the house I had rented with ex husband is up the end of June. The management company called me Thursday to see what my plans were. The owners want to take advantage of the spring market and they would work with me if I wanted to move early, if not I have been a great tenant and could stay through the end of June. I called the townhome community that I want to live in and they have 1 opening in a dog friendly building. The place is awesome, BS7 has to switch schools but it is the same distict and he has gone there for summer daycare and is familiar with it. They have a brand new work out center that is amazing, a party room and an outside pool. The downside it is smaller and I am selling a bunch of stuff. It will be a good thing to get ride of the reminents of the life with crazy ex. I will be saving $350.00 a month, plus it is near my office so after school is out I will not need to get on the freeway even and my commute drops in half.

I took Friday off because my BF was home after a 3 week stretch on the road and we went there together because I wanted another adults opinion and he is more critical than I am about things. He loved it too and thought it seemed very safe for BS and I. He is also off that week I move and can help out a bit, although I am hiring movers. I am so excited to live somewhere I have not lived with my ex, a lace that is totally mine and BS. I am looking forward to meeting new people and living somewhere where there are other kids for BS to play with.

Things with the BF are awesome. We had 4 great days together, celebrated his birthday. I feel like we ate our way through the weekend so today it is back to healthy eating and hitting the bike. He is such a sweet guy and really good with BS7. We are very different people, he is a self proclaimed redneck and I went to college and am far more liberal than he. What we do share is core belief system,a great work ethic and a wonderful friendship. He is so sweet and supportive.To be honest he is the first man I ever felt like I could count on. He says that he has never had anyone treat him with so much love and kindness, not even his own family. I think it is a good relationship for both of us. I have my own life and am able to focus on BS and I. Each night we talk at the end of the day and when we are together we have an amazing time. Oh and TMI the sex is plentiful and great.

When he is home and I am alone I stay at his place. He has a 4 bedroom home that he hardly gets to be at since he drives truck and is on the road 2 weeks at a time. When BS is with me and he is home he comes to our house. He actually was talking about fixing up one of the bedrooms for my son so we could stay there occasionally and my son would be happy. He has been checking out to see who has kids in his neighbor hood and knows where the parks are. He had 3 step dads growing up so he is really aware of what works and what doesn't. It was cute because BS7 made the comment to me that he can tell that BF really cares about us and that makes him happy. Told me I could marry BF if I wanted. I explained NO MARRIAGE for mom.

The ex is still a pita, at least this weekend he did things with the kids and was a good dad. It sucks because it is harder for BS to transition home after a good weekend because he cries and misses dad. After a typical week end he is just happy to be home. It is a tough situation for him. It is better than it was initially so I know it will continue to get better.


zerostepdrama's picture

Sounds like things just keeping going good for you! YAY!

The new place sounds awesome!

Sounds like things are going with your BF.


HungryEyes's picture

That's exciting! Good for you! This new guy sounds great. I remember when you first met him and you said he was awesome but very different which can be a really good thing. I'm happy that you are so happy!

The only thing I would caution is that when DH and I were casually dating, his job didn't bother me that we were on opposite schedules and saw each other whenever but I didn't want to marry him once we got very serious and he wanted to get married unless he did something that would allow me to see him more often. So, that's always something to think about if you're thinking of moving in and moving things along which it sounds like you're not interested in marriage but I just wanted to tell you that I would struggle with that life of him being gone so much.

Sweet T's picture

Interesting that you should say that. He has been doing this for 23 years and wants to come off the road and get a local run. What he is hoping is that he can be done doing this in the next two years. He wants to be home in the worst way. It is the money that keeps him doing this.

It is hard and I cry every time he has to leave. I wish I could say it gets easier, but it actually gets harder. The sad thing is my tough talking italian new yorker truck driver struggles with it too. He told me yesterday it broke his heart when I was loading up my car to leave.

We have been together for about 7 months and right now this is what is best even though it is hard. I have rushed into things and I refuse to make mistakes at this point in my life.

Tuff Noogies's picture

what a wonderful update sweet-t! i still cant believe it's been a year tho'!!!

Sweet T's picture

I know, the year flew by and the next 6 weeks are going to be crazy! I need to pack, sell stuff, hire movers, change the mail, enroll BS in a new school/same district, get my taxes done this Saturday. My parents will be home soon from California and can help some with packing and BF is off the week of the move and it is his towns clean up day that Saturday so he will take my dump stuff there on Saturday for me.

I was supposed to move July 1st so moving it up two months is gonna be crazy.

misSTEP's picture

Wow. I also can't believe it's been a year!! Glad to hear about the new place. Not only are you going to save a ton of money, you get rid of bad memories AND have more time since you won't have a huge place to upkeep.

ChiefGrownup's picture

It's wonderful to get such a happy update. Your bf really cares about you, it's very evident in his actions. Enjoy the beauty of a loving and non-crazy relationship!

Sweet T's picture

Thanks is really exciting. I know when I read some of the blogs here I really feel for the ladies. Sometimes I think we stay in these crappy situations out of fear of the unknown and don't realize how much better life can be. I know I did.

The BF is a good guy, I am hestitent to see what my parents will think. I am sure they will think I should and can do better. The thing is he is such a good guy and has such a big heart that I am just love the pieces out of him. We are complete opposites. He always tells me when he saw my online profile he thought I was out of his league. I was the one who reached out to him, based on a book he mentioned. I am glad I did because when something happens in my life, he is the first person I want to share it with.