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worried about SS5 feeling left out :/

sunny_skies's picture

Ok so this is kinda similar to a post I wrote a while back

But I'm still really struggling with this. I don't really feel *love* towards SS. I kinda pretend I love him, and do a good job of that with playing games etc. and pretending that I want him around.

But I worry that he feels my true feelings of ..that I just.. don't. I don't want him around. He annoys me sooo much Sad he just never stops talking jeez, even to breathe. It's insane. And the stuff he's actually saying is all just crap. 

I know he's only 5 and there wouldn't be an actual decent conversation to be had with a kid that age, but really, wow. Sometimes the stuff that comes out his mouth is like 'whaaaa?!! that makes nooo sense, you're only talking for the sake of talking!!!' when he runs out of things to say he just makes random noises..

Also I know that with him always talking so much, I know that anything we say will be repeated to BM, not that he's a purposeful spy like some other skids, just that he will repeat stuff to her. I hate that.

I feed him, clean his room, do his laundry, and do all the *basic* stuff you'd do for a kid. I force myself to play his imaginary games, listen to his bullshit rambling about nothing, and I tell him he's clever/awesome/etc.

I reply "I love you too sweetie" when he tells me I love you.. I hug him back when he hugs me, I ruffle his hair while I walk past him, I just feel like I'm always faking it all the time ..but never actually making it. Ya know? Sad

I do feel like I hide my feelings well beneath playing his games etc, but again.. I worry if he feels that I don't feel the same for him as I do for DD. Kids are like a detector for what's not quite right, and I worry he feels it.

Then again I sometimes put his needs before DD.. She woke up from a nap the other day crying, I heard her wake up upset, and I went to go get her. As I was getting up SS asked for some juice.

 I took time out to go into the kitchen to get him his drink *before* I went to get DD out of her cot crying. It wasn't until I was pouring his drink into his cup that I realised I'd put his need/want before DD's, (who was still crying and waiting for me in her cot) so maybe I *do* love him, even just a little.

MIL texted me and asked for some recent pics of the kids the other day. (they live a couple hours away and we hardly ever see DH's parents, they're awesome btw) 

I had SO MANY pics of DD22 months that I struggled to choose which one to send her.

But SS5? I had to scroll riiight back in my photos to find one of him. And even then it was a pic I *had* to take of him with a gift he'd been given (in order to send it to the person who'd given it to him)

I used to take soooo many pics of SS when he was small. I thought about it a while and realised it might be because DD is still at that "omigosh look what she's figured out how to do!" completing a puzzle etc

As I said, I used to take sooooooo many pics of SS when he was DD's age too. All the cute things he did, and the clever things he'd figured out how to do. Maybe I just enjoy *little* kids more? I duno.

I'm not sure but I think it might be that SS is now at an age where he'll only get pictures taken of him when he's doing something really awesome, like riding his bike over a big log or something lol

I have plenty of pics of both kids playing together as I think that kind of thing is cute, little sister big brother stuff. But none of SS on his own.

Which leads me to the next thing on my mind.. Whenever DH and I go nuts over whatever DD's doing and get the camera out, SS tries to do the same thing.

I suspect in the hopes that we'll turn the camera to him while saying "ohhh look what SS is doing, it's sooo cuuute!" But we don't, because, well.. A 5yr old doing this stuff just ain't as cute as an almost 2yr old doing it.

Example: DD loves stuffed animals. A few weeks back, she was talking to one of her animals and 'feeding' it with her spoon, then cuddling it etc. It was adorable, DH and I were both saying "awww look at her!" and I started taking a video.

It wasn't until I watched the video back that I realised SS (who was sitting next to her) had suddenly started looking round for the nearest stuffed animal, grabbed it, then got as close to DD as possible (where I was pointing the camera) and started doing the same as DD with the stuffed animal he'd picked up.

I hadn't realised SS was doing that as I was focusing on videoing DD. That made me feel *baaad* as it's not like I ignore SS in day to day life, but it was only when I watched the video back I realised that's exactly what I was doing, I was focused so much on DD :/

Then yesterday, we were listening to music.. DD spontaneously burst into a full on dance routine LOL she has some moves I tell ya, wiggling her hips, stomping her feet, waving her arms around LOL

I said "haha DH quick, look at DD dancing!" ..that's when SS said "do you want to see my dance?" And he started jumping up and down on the spot. (This kid has no rhythm or moves lol) 

DH said (in an affectionate way) "haha! SS that's not dancing! That's just jumping up and down!" SS laughed and carried on jumping up and down (next to DD busting her groove) but it got me thinking..

Do I need to start making steps to include SS more when we say how cute DD is being? What should I do to help him with this.. I don't want him to feel sad or left out/ignored. Sometimes I say things as it's happening like "SS, you used to do that when you were a baby!" But then again, I don't want him to feel like he's no longer cute? Like.. "you were cute when you were like this, but not anymore" etc.

Sidenote: He seems to be very "young" for his age, he really enjoys playing with DD's baby toys (not for attention or the cuteness factor it might bring, he really does like playing with them) even when I'm not in the room I hear buttons being pressed to make the noises, then I walk in expecting to find DD playing with that toy, but it's actually SS.

Basically what I'm asking is.. Should I be worried about how SS feels about this stuff? What can I do to make him feel he's special too, even though DD is real cute right now, and it might feel to him that she gets all the attention? 

Like, in the moment it's happening I mean.

I always say "you're such a good big brother, DD loves you so much" ..and as I said, I also reply to him "I love you too" when he says it to me, etc. 

We do science projects from the toy store with him, play board games etc that DD is too small for, so sometimes it's DD that's left out when it comes to things like that.. 

But I wonder if there's anything else DH and I can do for him, or if I'm worrying about nothing again lol

So.. any advice on how to make a big brother feel special when little sister is getting a lot of attention? How do I find balance? Advice appreciated x


DPW's picture

It's natural to love your bio child more than a skid. Based on everything you say, I think you are handling it all superbly. You're a good gal.

DaizyDuke's picture

I was thinking the same thing! It sounds like you are doing great, tolerating him and trying to include him.

I have BS5 and though I love him to the moon and back and he really is a great kid, there are times that I seriously think... OMG, if this kid had a step mom, she for sure would be bitching it up on STalk right now.. cause ya, 5 year olds can be annoying... ESPECIALLY when they are not yours!

QueenBeau's picture

My mom always says you can't help how you feel, you can only help what you do about it. And I think you are handling it the best you can. The fact that you care about his feelings speaks volumes about your character. Don't be so hard on yourself.

Mom23's picture

I have bios around the same ages and the same thing happens. My BS talks incessantly these days and drives me nuts at times. He loves playing with BDs baby toys, he tries to do things for attention and even misbehaves for attention. I think it's normal when u were the youngest and cutest for so long and now another sibling has taken that role. I have been trying to spend more time with BS alone - 15 mins here, 15 mins there and have noticed it helping.

It sounds to me though that you are doing a great job of taking care of him and making him feel included. It's more than I do for my skids.

Maybe DH can spend a bit more time with him so he doesn't feel pushed to the side.

sunny_skies's picture

We've tried telling him to stop talking so much, it's like asking a pig not to be pink lol ..hes SUCH a good boy and does what he's told all the time, bery well behaved and polite, sensitive to other peoples feelings etc.

But with the talking thing, we ask him to stop and it lasts all of 5 seconds.. he's right back to talking again.

We've also done the whole "you're a big boy now, you don't need to play with baby toys" ..his answer is "I just like this toy, I like it when I press this button and it does (fill in blank)"

We try and redirect him but he goes right back to talking all the time. I agree he is definately an attention seeker, he's gotten into trouble at school for being the class clown making other kids laugh. I just don't really know what to do about it :/

sunny_skies's picture

There is no way SS is being deliberately defiant with being asked to stop talking. He is a *really* good boy. This kid does what he's told all the time, the talking thing is the only thing that's a problem for him to remember.

He's a dreamer and goes off into his own little world, it's like it's just a natural thing for him to talk all the time. I think he just honestly forgets that he's been told to stop!

If we are all having quiet time reading or whatever, yes he joins in with that naturally and is quiet too.. we don't even have to tell him to stop, he can sense that it's down time and he'll join in, but after a while he'll just start chatting again. 

His constant talking isn't to interupt others conversations, he knows not to do that as it's rude and has been told not to. So he does as he's told with the not interrupting thing, but as soon as you're finished talking, he's right in there with what he wanted to say, lol!

So yeh generally he does what he's told.. Like we've told him to stop asking questions he knows the answer to, (we think it's simply just to have something to say) like "what are we doing this afternoon" when he's been told already.

One of two things happens after that: 1) he says "oops, I know that already don't I" then carries on talking about the thing we're doing that afternoon.. or 2) when the already known question will come out his mouth, you can see him stumbling with his words to try and cover it up. "er, I mean, um, what are we doing *tomorrow* afternoon"

He doesn't like looking silly so when the already known question thing happens, I really think he's just in his own little world enjoying saying stuff all the time, and looks for stuff to say. 

When a silly question comes out, he clearly becomes a little uncomfortable, as his constant talking has landed him in an embaressing situation, without him meaning to. I'm not sure this is something he has control over lol!!!

I'm also not sure if the constant talking is for attention, yes he loves attention and is sometimes acts silly in order to get laughs etc, but I think the talking thing might just be the way he is naturally. Oh gawrd.