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Ever notice...

Sunflower1's picture

When someone posts for awhile, gets loads of advice but doesn't use any of it, and other Stalkers begin to question them? They sign off all huffy and say they'll never be back right? Then two or five days later someone new starts posting, same writing style and what not but way different story. Makes me go hmmm. You?


Lalena75's picture

Frequently. In fact I shouldn't watch catfish as much as I do I'm already suspicious by nature.

Sunflower1's picture

I don't notice often either, unless I'm off for awhile and go back to catch up with everyone. I think reading the posts all at once changes perspective.

twoviewpoints's picture

I figure there are just some bored people out there in cyberland which for some reason get their kicks from trolling. Perhaps crave the attention they believe their 'situation' blogged about may receive.

Doesn't really bother me. They'd get the same advice from me whether they were 'real' or made-up fakes. While I come and read here almost daily. and do post comments if something catches my attention, I don't have the time nor desire to read every last blog or keep track of every last member. I have seen some of what you've stated. It seems senseless and a bit dramatic to me to make-up fake stuff. I will mention sometimes something like 'Im not buying this' or the like. Other times I just scroll on by. Sometimes I think it's a game for some who come here and do it to see if they'll be 'found out'.

As long as we are really all guest here and can post until//unless we violate rules, I suppose there is not much to do about it. Either ignore or respond. I do understand though how annoying the baiting/game playing is. There are a lot of nice people here that put a lot of thought and consideration into people's hardships and stepfamily issues. I can see why when fakes aka 'crews' are found out it bites. It's not just this site this kind of fake blogging happens though. I've seen it on a number of boards. Just bored lonely or attention seeking people I guess.

twoviewpoints's picture


AboutToDrown's picture

Who are the ones on here now? I am kind of gullible and get all bent out of shape when we discover one of the ppl with heartbreaking stories is lying. Probably not the only one who doesn't like being lied to Blum 3