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Did you guys see this?

Sunflower1's picture

This story made me ill. What is wrong with people?


thinkthrice's picture

Not condoning this guy's heinous actions, however, he probably ran up against the infamous New York State Family Court gristmill that literally up ends biodads and shakes them until they are drained of every penny they own; then the court does not enforce visitation, but winks at the BMs who withhold visitation and start on their PAS quest.

I'm sure he was shocked to find out that here in NY, he will be stripped of every bit of income with no self support reserve for the next 21+ years, spend tens of thousands of dollars on attorneys who half heartedly represent biodads knowing that it is a losing battle in this state, then be denied visitation over and over without any recourse.

This is a very sad tragedy. One of many where the father literally goes bezerk when faced with the horrendous NYS "family" court system.