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Skids broke into BS3's room within 5 min of getting here. WTF?!

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

So I'm in bed with the beginnings of the flu. BS3 is with my grandparents. I locked BS's room to keep the skids out since he's not here. He doesn't go in their rooms, so they shouldn't be in his, especially since they trash his room, and then leave it for BS3 to clean up. What's the first thing SS and SD do when they get here? Break into his room. I'm pissed. When DH asked what was wrong, I told him they broke into BS's room, and that I had locked it to keep them out. DH then proceeds to tell SS that I locked the door to keep him out and to get out. Thanks, DH. The kid went crying to his room. I think DH was mad at me, but I don't care. I told him they constantly trash his room, and leave him to clean it up. It's not fair, and I don't appreciate them going into his room when he's not here. I keep him out of their rooms, so he deserves the same respect. Is this an issue with other step families?


oneoffour's picture

I personally don't care if my boundaries are crossed and I lose the plot on DH.

OSS called and is having car problems. I have a Premier Jewelery party on Saturday. I told DH if ANY of his sons come over here and want to take over the garage for car repairs I am going to have an extreme meltdown like he has never seen and he has seen some doozies.

Your Skids need to keep out of your sons room. Just cough on them and send them home with the flu.

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

I like your thinking, but then we'd be paying for three kids to go to the dr. Sad

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

Luckily, DH doesn't treat BS any different than the skids. However, he grew up with 3 brothers, so he thinks it is perfectly ok for the kids to take each other's stuff or go in each other's rooms uninvited. Not in my house! I feel that if one of the kids is not here, that room is off limits. DH may get mad for a little while, but in the end he understands. After I cooled off, I explained to him that I keep BS out of their rooms, and I expect the same respect for him. It may not be a big deal now, but it will be later on when they are teens.

luchay's picture

Oh that is a mirror of my home!!

SD gets away with all this crap and stealing as well, with NOTHING ever done about it. DD does into SD's room to get the cat out (he was asleep on her bed and isn't allowed on the beds as he is shedding, TELLS SD she went in there and why and SD throws a meltdown worthy of a nuclear reactor and OH cracks it with me about how awful MY kid is????

WTF ever.

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

Oh they do have chores and consequences, but if DH forgets to check to make sure it was done, they will sneak off to bed or out the door without doing what they were told. I then leave it for them to clean the following week. Dirol I am working on DH with follow through now.

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

Oh I did! I don't bite my tongue with the skids (aside from profanity). Then I told DH what they did, and he went in there, albeit not with the best wording. The door was closed, and no one has attempted re-entry.

The lock is just a standard bedroom door lock that any flat item can open. Silly me for believing that would keep them out like most people. SS told DH he thought BS was in there (BS went through a stage of locking doors a while back). I looked at DH and reminded him that the skids were with us when BS was left with grandma. Also, if that was his reason, then why did he continue to play in there for 20 min?

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

Is this how the first IPhone received the death sentence? Lol! I read about the second, but missed the first.

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

I caught my skids going through our room a couple of times when we first moved in together. I stopped that crap right then and there. If I see them even think about walking into our room when we're not in there, I tell them to get out. I think BM was telling them to go through our stuff, though. She did that when DH lived in an apartment during the divorce. He would catch them going through his nightstand, closet, dresser, etc. When asked why, they would tell him that BM told them to. I told DH it's a safety thing here. We have firearms in our room (unloaded, but still), and I don't want them to find those by accident. He keeps them out now, too.