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THANKYOU ALL!! Your comments and advise in the mess that the SKIDS create is my escape form knowing im not nuts!

stressedstep's picture

We not heard anything from either SS17 or SS19 after recent events. Im trying to concentrate on my BD6 and my baby growing within me. Aty 4 1/2 months gone, I dont need this sh*t at all....which is one of the reasons OH p*ssed me off with the "SS19 should come to mine for food then"...oh yeah, Ill work all day and cook for a dosser. You know the worst part, "apparently" the jobcentre who is sorting his benefits has "screwed up"....its always them that screw up....never SS19.......
He couldnt even be bothered to sort his wages out properly when he did work...lazy...

No further news regarding SS17 and his possible dealing of drugs, however, with SS19 being an idiot, its kind of taken over.

Thanks again all x