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These skids wish absolute death on me!

Steptotheright's picture

I've just realized I have never been supported or encouraged in this house. I have gainful employment in web design, but I am a writer of screenplays, and I write songs too. Never once has any of the skids expressed an iota of interest in any of my work. In fact they regard me with such using neglect that it should be criminal.

Back when I was heavier into writing screenplays, and even was having some considered by some agencies, OSS (21 now but around 17 or 18 at the time) , all of a sudden decided he was going to write a story too. Great, I was thinking. I wanted to encourage this, so I read his story, gave it praise, complimented his word choices, and.... It just never ended.  He would talk, or brainstorm with me for hour after hour after hour, until I realized with grim certainty that this boy's "writing" was an all consuming beast. He literally exhausted me mentally and spiritually with these marathon sessions of hearing his thoughts about how his story should go. His story never reached over 12 pages. He would spend hours explaining his story to me in every detail and facet and rabbit hole ventured into and not, until I'm like, "Got it, I know his story front to back. I know every character's name and each one's motivation and back history. I am signalling my support by memorizing these things. Awesome."

But, he would come back the next day telling a largely different story and all the characters would have different names. I'd be like, "I don't remember it going like that." He would say, quite dismissively, in my opinion, "Oh I changed that." I understand that writing is rewriting but he took it to amazing extremes, to the point that he kept changing this 12 pages every day! (He was supposedly writing a novel).  And I had to hear about his new, not-new, story EVERY day for HOURS. I kept telling him to settle on a version of the first 12 pages and build off of that, but he would say he just wants his story to be "perfect." I tried telling him he was crippling himself, but he just would not listen. This went on for months and months. It was sheer torture. I felt spent mentally and creatively because of this damn boy cornering me, and then, me in my dumb and dumber phase reasoned that even though it was draining me of everything, that it was good for building the relationship with SS.

He would come around with his hours long diatribes while I myself was trying to write! When he was finally done vomiting fantasy tropes at me, I was left staring in despair at a blank page. I had got no work done! Never once did OSS express interest in my own work, or ask about it. It was always about his ever changing 12 pages! Oh, and here's the nail in the coffin: when I finally took a step back from screenwriting, I never heard about his "novel" again! Except when his stupid World of Warcraft subscription is up. You see, apparently the music from that game is what inspires him to write. If he can't be on that game, he can't write. We get him back on the game and don't hear about writing again. Done with it!

YSS knows somewhere in his self serving brain that I like to write songs. One day, all of a sudden, he decides he's going to write songs and be a singer. I try to encourage that, and teach him about verses and hooks and Bridges and such, the structure of it, and even wrote him a song to sing in his school talent show. I spent untold amounts of time and creative energy on this boy. He decided to sing Bruno Mars, (and badly) at the talent show instead. He told me the reason for the last minute change was he couldn't learn the lyrics of my song. But, he didn't know the Bruno Mars song either.  The reality is he didn't prepare for any kind of performance. He hardly practiced his vocals and did NOT study any lyrics. I just wanted to tear all my hair out, I felt so used up and like I had wasted so much of myself on this lazy little narcissist in training.

Fast forward to recently: I just got a cute little red car with my own money, and I was very proud of it. It's an extension of my personality in a way. Not one SK said "nice car." YSS came out when I pulled up to the driveway with it, fresh euphoria from just picking it up from the dealership, and the only thing he said was, "Isn't it going to block the driveway for when SO wants to get out?" SD made fun of it. And OSS, when I went to pick him up from work in it (he had never seen it), did not acknowledge the car at all. Not even a, "So, you got a new car?"

It normally wouldn't be a big deal, but I see a pattern. They are such toxic haters. Anything I am involved in or that has to do with me, they are going to devalue, neglect, or try to sabotage by way of exhausting my spirit. They are vampires. They want the death of everything that is me.

How am I supposed to create anything from within such an abjectly negative and draining environment? 



tog redux's picture

Sounds like they aren't "haters", so much as just selfish. They will take what you are willing to give and give nothing back - so stop giving so much.  Stop talking to them for hours about their interests. Stop expecting them to care about anything you buy or create.

But your last question is something only you can answer. 

Steptotheright's picture

Oh, they are haters alright.

One precious nugget that has been shared with me is that after 9 years together, YSS has recently been asking SO every day: "Are you going to go down there and divorce Steptotheright?"

YSS just wants the lax, permissive, Swiss cheese parenting of SO.  He finds my parenting.... Inconvenient to his narcissistic and lazy ways. Even though I have disengaged in many ways. YSS is a failing freshman in high school. He will blatantly say that school doesn't matter and that he will be a Fortnite YouTube star. I said to him the other day that, "You realize starting a channel is hard work right? You have to do all your own video editing, plus SEO, and social media outreach to increase your footprint and grow your platform. It won't just be playing the game."

He then proceeds to tell me he will hire someone for all that, and I'm like, "with what or who's money?" Then he shrugs.

Then I'm like, "No you would have to do it all. If you think I'm going to edit all of your videos, you are wrong! I will not. So knowing that, what this amounts to is just your line to justify being lazy and failing out of school."

Mind you, he hasn't even posted one video. Interactions like that are why YT star hates my guts and wants me gone. I present an inconvenient truth: reality.

Mandy45's picture

I have always thought that about my SK as soon as they walk in the room. They just suck out all the life and energy out of you. You just feel exhausted. Somehow it becomes all about them. 

Steptotheright's picture

You get what I'm saying. Complete energy and mood flatline. I've gotten to the point where I don't even want to be in the same room as YT Star. Especially now that I've learned how he truly feels, I mean, I knew how he felt but it just brings it into much clearer relief knowing that he's been asking every day for SO to divorce.

Steptotheright's picture


Oscillates between being extremely supportive and extremely distracting.

Gets offended when input isn't taken or incorporated into my creative endeavors. Thing is I do incorporate some input but leave other things out, and SO will get offended if I leave anything out. Just sort of meddles too much.

But can be supportive. Definitely more supportive than YT Star YSS, Stuck Up SD, and Golden Pen OSS.

Steptotheright's picture

Thanks for the reply and advice hon. Funny you should mention doing for them. I've disengaged from many things, and have become overall more detached to the point where it's been noticed. I was sooo engaged before.

But just the other night OSS asked me to edit FOUR videos for a YouTube channel he has where he posts music with a single picture. Not a complicated editing job: just rip the audio off of the source material, and start a new video project  with a picture as the video and add the music. Once a process is cemented it can take about 10 minutes to do this. but my process wasn't cemented for it.. I had to kind of muck about and figure out what I was doing. So it took closer to 30 minutes.

I could tell you in past I would have sat there like a pure born idiot and done all four videos in one night. But not this time. I told him this workload would be handled slowly and incrementally. I wonder why I even did one. But I try to be a nice and generous person. OSS clearly has issues about the car but he is generally more nice to me than YSS. I just wonder why OSS doesn't try to learn to do some of the stuff for himself.

It's hilarious that you should mention about one of them wanting the car. After all the shade thrown YSS just today asked SO! And not me, if he could have MY car... SO said, "That's not even my car to give, you better ask Steptotheright," to which I cheerily chimed in, "Nope!"